Ccleaner isn't cleaning AOL since upgrading to 9.7 with cromium browsser

I've used Cclean for years and have had no problems until I updated to AOL 9.7 and it doesn't clean items on aol. Today I updated Cclean to the newest version and it still doesn't work. Either AOL changed settings on my computer which I am unaware of or it's their new browser.

Any suggestions of why this isn't working properly? Thanks

Is AOL 9.7 built on Chromium? If so, it might be cleaned by the Google/Chrome section in CCleaner

That's why I downloaded the new version of Cclean, but it's not automatically cleaning AOL. Is there a setting that should be changed? I didn't download the Google chrome portion of Cclean because it stated it should clean cromium. I also have IE 11 on my computer.

Hi Emjay, and welcome to Piriform.

The "Google chrome portion of CCleaner" you didn't download is nothing to do with CCleaner itself. It's extra software bundled with the CCleaner installer. It won't add to CCleaners functions and/or features.

Other than to tell you that I don't have an answer for you, save to say that the devs will pick up on your observations.


Thanks. Let me know if you find a solution!