CCleaner is getting slow

When I install CCleaner it runs fine for the first 3 times (around 3 secs for 4 MB, then it will take up to 15mins to clean 3 MB. Am I the only one having this problem?,

Windows 7 home x64

here is what I have ccleaner cleaning: temp internet files, cookies, history, URLs, .dat files, last download, auto complete, MRUs, thumbnails, taskbar jump list, recycle, temps, clipboard, memory dump, chkdsk, log files, error reports, DNS Cache, old prefetch, menu order, and IIS logs. Using Gutmann (35 passes)

P.S. I always used these settings on all of my computers this issue is only with my wifes laptop. I have the same laptop but not the same problems she is having.

turn off Gutmann, its not needed. I wouldn't reccomend using old prefetch files either.

Try unticking the index.dat option.

Thanx...It seem to be a bit faster...I'll let you know if there are any changes. I'm the NSA 7 passes instead, I want ccleaner to be great...not overkill

Thanx...It seem to be a bit faster...I'll let you know if there are any changes. I'm the NSA 7 passes instead, I want ccleaner to be great...not overkill

Can I ask why you are securely deleting your junk files? I hardly think anyone is going to steal your computer and nick all your .tmp files :P

Can I ask why you are securely deleting your junk files? I hardly think anyone is going to steal your computer and nick all your .tmp files :P

Why shouldn't I?, temp files can also hold viruses that programs did not detect,and info like credit card and ssi numbers. They don't have to steal my pc to get the info...trojans can get it for them.

Tbh, use secure delete only when you're getting rid of your HDD or its a vastly shared computer.

If you still want to secure delete, use 1 Pass. That should work just right.

Tbh, use secure delete only when you're getting rid of your HDD or its a vastly shared computer.

If you still want to secure delete, use 1 Pass. That should work just right.

I think I'll try that on my pc...dont think I could talk the wife into letting me change hers also.