I get my Broadband connection from Virgin Media. As part of the package I get PCGuard which includes AntiVirus, Firewall, and Anti Spyware etc .etc. I have been using CCleaner along with PCGuard for some years and all has been well until recently. Now I find that if I use the registry cleaner facility in CCleaner it causes PCGuard to hang when it tries to reload on the next reboot and I have to use Task Manager to stop it. I have tried restoring the registry changes from backup with no success (CCleaner FAQ?s weren?t very helpful on this point, so not certain I did this correctly). Virgins repair facility for PCGuard didn?t work. Neither did the Uninstall utility. So I had to manually delete all the PCGuard files and download and install from fresh. What a pain!
I presume the registry cleaner is removing something essential. Any idea what? How do I prevent it being removed so I can use the reg. cleaner from time to time as before?
I get my Broadband connection from Virgin Media. As part of the package I get PCGuard which includes AntiVirus, Firewall, and Anti Spyware etc .etc. I have been using CCleaner along with PCGuard for some years and all has been well until recently. Now I find that if I use the registry cleaner facility in CCleaner it causes PCGuard to hang when it tries to reload on the next reboot and I have to use Task Manager to stop it. I have tried restoring the registry changes from backup with no success (CCleaner FAQ?s weren?t very helpful on this point, so not certain I did this correctly). Virgins repair facility for PCGuard didn?t work. Neither did the Uninstall utility. So I had to manually delete all the PCGuard files and download and install from fresh. What a pain!
I presume the registry cleaner is removing something essential. Any idea what? How do I prevent it being removed so I can use the reg. cleaner from time to time as before?
Hello Tim,
Can you provide a listing of the Registry issues that CCleaner is reporting?
Registry cleaning is a risky thing to do.You must be telling it to delete an item that should not be deleted or something else is occuring to cause PCGuard to hang.Remember to run Scan for issues until no more are found.
I get my Broadband connection from Virgin Media. As part of the package I get PCGuard which includes AntiVirus, Firewall, and Anti Spyware etc .etc.
A friend of mine has PCGuard as part of his broadband package. The other week he was complaining things were slowing down and things weren't operating as they should. I downloaded and installed AVG Free Edition 7.5.524 and that found 14 virus's and 6 trojan's. You can make your own mind up which you want to use.
Thanks for your responses guys. I've not had any infections since using PCguard so reluctant to change. Used Norton beforehand and that let a couple of nasties through that only running Trend Housecall found and got rid of.
Not tried talking to Virgin either as unless your question matches one on their FAQ list you don't get much of use back. Also the last time I had a problem with PCguard they kept me talking on their expensive help line whilst getting me to making various simplistic checks and changes before eventually confirming after 20 mins that I had known problem affecting many people and advising trying a reinstall in a couple of days time when they hoped to have the bug fixed!! A pretty cynical rip-off in my view.
Its just a shame that CCleaner and PCguard don't seem to be working well together anymore after a long period of good service. Can't see anything that seems to be associated with PCguard that reg cleaner lists as an issue. Only what seems to be the usual leftovers. There again I probably don't know what I'm looking at. Don't want to try it again as recovery takes a couple of hours.
Thanks for your responses guys. I've not had any infections since using PCguard so reluctant to change. Used Norton beforehand and that let a couple of nasties through that only running Trend Housecall found and got rid of.
Not tried talking to Virgin either as unless your question matches one on their FAQ list you don't get much of use back. Also the last time I had a problem with PCguard they kept me talking on their expensive help line whilst getting me to making various simplistic checks and changes before eventually confirming after 20 mins that I had known problem affecting many people and advising trying a reinstall in a couple of days time when they hoped to have the bug fixed!! A pretty cynical rip-off in my view.
Its just a shame that CCleaner and PCguard don't seem to be working well together anymore after a long period of good service. Can't see anything that seems to be associated with PCguard that reg cleaner lists as an issue. Only what seems to be the usual leftovers. There again I probably don't know what I'm looking at. Don't want to try it again as recovery takes a couple of hours.
Hi Tim,
I understand your position but have you done some security scans with other products.?
How often do you get updates from PCGuard?
Do you use any Auto Start-up programs that maybe adding to this conflict?This is the first I ever heard of CCleaner causing any security programs to hang.Normally it's the other way round.
How did your updates go from MS on "Patch Tuesday"?
How often do you get Registry issues in CCleaner?
Some programs cause the Registry to be "switched" at boot like NTREGOPT.Do you use any Registry compacting or "defrag" programs?
P.S. NTREGOPT is an excellent program that I also use.However,after running it an immediate reboot should be done.Any Registry changes made after running it will not be reflected in the "new" compacted Registry.This could result in problems occurring at reboot later after such additional Registry changes may have been made.This could cause "hangs" at reboot.
Looks like no Registry fiddling for now.I don't think CCleaner has anything to do with it as much as some other program or update.
I have been struggling with a non-functioning update of Nokia PC Suite, software which allows me to backup the contents of my mobile phone on the PC and synchronise it with Outlook. Uninstall didn't work, so I used Nokia's uninstall cleanup tool and, following recommendations on the newsgroups, also used CCleaner to clear out the last vestiges (there are many) of Nokia software from the registry before beginning a clean reinstall of PC Suite. I selected 'fix all issues' and CCleaner carried out 177 repairs. I repeated the scan and clean twice until all was clear.
Well, this worked - in that Nokia PC Suite started to work correctly. But at the same time, I experienced the problems with PC Guard described above. I used the PC Guard diagnostic tool, which found no problems, but asked it to repair the anti-virus function. I then restarted PC Guard and all was well...
BUT Nokia PC Suite is again not working entirely properly.
It's as if there's some conflict between the two - I can have one or the other working, but not both. And CCleaner is doing something that highlights this problem - could it be deleting or changing a setting that is used by both programs?
Its just a shame that CCleaner and PCguard don't seem to be working well together anymore after a long period of good service. Can't see anything that seems to be associated with PCguard that reg cleaner lists as an issue. Only what seems to be the usual leftovers. There again I probably don't know what I'm looking at. Don't want to try it again as recovery takes a couple of hours.
This does sound familiar to me.
I have been struggling with a non-functioning update of Nokia PC Suite, software which allows me to backup the contents of my mobile phone on the PC and synchronise it with Outlook. Uninstall didn't work, so I used Nokia's uninstall cleanup tool and, following recommendations on the newsgroups, also used CCleaner to clear out the last vestiges (there are many) of Nokia software from the registry before beginning a clean reinstall of PC Suite. I selected 'fix all issues' and CCleaner carried out 177 repairs. I repeated the scan and clean twice until all was clear.
Well, this worked - in that Nokia PC Suite started to work correctly. But at the same time, I experienced the problems with PC Guard described above. I used the PC Guard diagnostic tool, which found no problems, but asked it to repair the anti-virus function. I then restarted PC Guard and all was well...
BUT Nokia PC Suite is again not working entirely properly.
It's as if there's some conflict between the two - I can have one or the other working, but not both. And CCleaner is doing something that highlights this problem - could it be deleting or changing a setting that is used by both programs?
Hello KGB,
Thanks for joining the forum!!!
CCleaner seems to be stuck in the middle here but the real problem,I think, lies with the PcGuard software.
The Registry issues feature just serves to clean out what CCleaner finds as "issues" or "inconsistencies".It reports to the user what it has found and what it will do to "fix" the issue.Making changes to the Registry can have unknown consequences.
This "seems" to be "old timbo's" problem between PcGuard and CCleaner.
KGB's problem seems to be with PcGuard software and Nokia PC Suite.
PcGuard software is the common problem here.As a piece of security software it has many capabilities "allowed" to it.It has the abilitiy to restrict access or keep certain things from occurring.It apparently is not reporting what ever conflict is happening.This can be for the software's own protection.Whatever is going on is definitely under it's control.
I think the only resolution to this problem lies with the PcGuard software company.
I get my Broadband connection from Virgin Media. As part of the package I get PCGuard which includes AntiVirus, Firewall, and Anti Spyware etc .etc. I have been using CCleaner along with PCGuard for some years and all has been well until recently. Now I find that if I use the registry cleaner facility in CCleaner it causes PCGuard to hang when it tries to reload on the next reboot and I have to use Task Manager to stop it. I have tried restoring the registry changes from backup with no success (CCleaner FAQ?s weren?t very helpful on this point, so not certain I did this correctly). Virgins repair facility for PCGuard didn?t work. Neither did the Uninstall utility. So I had to manually delete all the PCGuard files and download and install from fresh. What a pain!
I presume the registry cleaner is removing something essential. Any idea what? How do I prevent it being removed so I can use the reg. cleaner from time to time as before?
I now get this problem too, but it only started recently. The first time I saw it was immediately after I had downloaded a new version of CCleaner, when it ate my antivirus protection (the rest of PCGuard still seemed to work.) Rebooting took ages and came up with a couple of Windows Installer messages "Preparing to install..." (I got the impression that PCGuard was trying to find something that had vanished.) I reactivated the antivirus via the Support page, and all was OK until the next time I downloaded another CCleaner update. Same problem - but this time I had to uninstall and reinstall PCGuard.
Is there a cookie or a dat or ini file that CCleaner removes but which is essential to PCGuard? If so, could someone please tell me what it is? Then I won't clean it away.
I now get this problem too, but it only started recently. The first time I saw it was immediately after I had downloaded a new version of CCleaner, when it ate my antivirus protection (the rest of PCGuard still seemed to work.) Rebooting took ages and came up with a couple of Windows Installer messages "Preparing to install..." (I got the impression that PCGuard was trying to find something that had vanished.) I reactivated the antivirus via the Support page, and all was OK until the next time I downloaded another CCleaner update. Same problem - but this time I had to uninstall and reinstall PCGuard.
Is there a cookie or a dat or ini file that CCleaner removes but which is essential to PCGuard? If so, could someone please tell me what it is? Then I won't clean it away.
Virgin Pcguard anti-virus my work round may help you
When I run Ccleaner?s registry bit with all options selected, I get this as requiring a fix:-