CCleaner Installer has not functioned for me for over a year now!

I have been using CCleaner on all of my and my customers machines for years and I still am on my laptop however I have had an issue with it on my PC for no apparent reason for probably over a year now. I had a bug that I nop longer recall in the program so decided to reinstall. Upon downloading the installer I got as far as confirming drive settings at which point the installer shows blank and locks up indefinitely, forcing me to close it via Task Manager. I have had no antivirus popups, no crashes or crash reports. All it does it freezes at the point shown in the attached images. This has happened across maybe 20/30 different updates I have tried over the last year and nothing has been fixed. Not sure if it's some really specific bug relating only to my unique file architecture or even something cosmically stupid like a flipped bit or corrupted path but I have had no problems at all software or hardware wise with this system ever so I have literally no idea. Please if anyone has seen this before let me know!

Thanks in advance


CCleaner Crash 1.jpg

CCleaner Crash 2.jpg

Yes the images were taken on 2 seperate runs I am not a time traveller, apologies xD

As you are using CCleaner in a business environment (you mention you have customers) then it would be better for you to contact Piriform directly.

or via email

Apologies I didn't describe it well. I am not using the Business version of the app and I don't sell it or market it. I occasionally do freelance PC builds and laptop software repair, data recovery etc locally. I am not a business and this isn't my job. I meant that I install it on machines I build and repair for people as recommendation. My bad.

2 hours ago, HelpMeSolveThis said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		 I got as far as confirming drive settings

Are you installing to a non-standard location?

If so do you have full access rights to that location?

What happens if you just do the standard install without going into the customise options?

Just now, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">

		Are you installing to a non-standard location?

		If so do you have full access rights to that location?

		What happens if you just do the standard install without going into the customise options?

Hey, yeah installing to the default C drive location. I have tried both automatic and custom configurations. Only reason I do it custom usually is to not create a Desktop shortcut. It is my personal machine of which I am the full command line admin to all areas.

The first thing I'd try, if you haven't already, is:

Uninstall CCeaner.

Restart (not shutdown/reboot) your computer.

Try installing CCleaner again.

The restart is important there.

Note: Uninstalling will cause you to lose your CCleaner settings and you'll have to reset them after reinstalling. If you tell CCleaner to 'Save all settings to INI file' (Options&gt;Advanced) you can make a copy of the ccleaner.ini from the CCleaner directory before uninstalling and paste it back after reinstalling.

If that still doesn't work then many install problems are due to an AntiVirus programme interfering and blocking the install.

Yours seems to be being blocked after the setup and when it comes to actually install the files, which is indicative of AV blocking.

Which AV are you using? and if it's not Windows Defender then what version is it at?

Try disabling your AV before installing CCleaner. (or boot Windows into Safe Mode so the AV is not running and try installing CCleaner there).

45 minutes ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		The first thing I'd try, if you haven't already, is:

		Uninstall CCeaner.

		Restart (not shutdown/reboot) your computer.

		Try installing CCleaner again.

		The restart is important there.

		Note: Uninstalling will cause you to lose your CCleaner settings and you'll have to reset them after reinstalling. If you tell CCleaner to 'Save all settings to INI file' (Options&gt;Advanced) you can make a copy of the ccleaner.ini from the CCleaner directory before uninstalling and paste it back after reinstalling.

		If that still doesn't work then many install problems are due to an AntiVirus programme interfering and blocking the install.

		Yours seems to be being blocked after the setup and when it comes to actually install the files, which is indicative of AV blocking.

		Which AV are you using? and if it's not Windows Defender then what version is it at?

		Try disabling your AV before installing CCleaner. (or boot Windows into Safe Mode so the AV is not running and try installing CCleaner there).

I've attempted the install with at least 15/20 different versions of CCleaner over the last year or so so the restarting won't do much. I'll try to disable my AV (Malwarebytes Free) and see what that does. I have never had flags from my antivirus itself which is unusual so we'll see how this goes.

Malwarebytes Free will not interfere with an install. And there is nothing in there to disable.

Malwarebytes Free does not run in real time to protect you, it is an 'on-demand' file scanner only.

You need the paid for Malwarebytes if you want it to give malware protection in real time.

If you have no other AV then Windows Defender should turn itself on to protect you.

Your situation is a puzzle, especially as it's so long running. It does seem as if it may well be machine specific.

You say you install CCleaner for others, any problems there?

Another suggestion you've probably already tried; have you tried right clicking on CCsetup576.exe and selecting 'Run as Administrator'?

And one more; again right click CCsetup576.exe, select Properties>Compatibility and check that you are not trying to run it in compatibility mode for an older Windows version.

One other thing I'm wondering, that screen looks to be in a high resolution, does changing the resolution to standard make any different to the installer blank page?

5 minutes ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Malwarebytes Free will not interfere with an install. And there is nothing in there to disable.

		Malwarebytes Free does not run in real time to protect you, it is an 'on-demand' file scanner only.

		You need the paid for Malwarebytes if you want it to give malware protection in real time.

		If you have no other AV then Windows Defender should turn itself on to protect you.


		Your situation is a puzzle, especially as it's so long running.

		Another suggestion you've probably already tried; have you tried right clicking on CCsetup576.exe and selecting 'Run as Administrator'?

		And one more; again right click CCsetup576.exe, select Properties&gt;Compatibility and check that you are not trying to run it in compatibility mode for an older Windows version.

Yeah that's what I thought, I believe I've already tried running as admin but I'll give that and the other solution another go. It is very weird I've never really seen the like. It literally just had an update one day and stopped working on this machine.

That installation option screen seems to be missing some graphical elements, which is odd. I don't think I have seen that before. It should look more like this:


The second snapshot with the blank screen - was that what you saw after you clicked on install? If so then note that CCleaner loads some of the UI content from a server, and a blank screen on this second step is usually a sign that you have got CCleaner's network access blocked (either via a firewall rule or some in the hosts file).

A sort-of-work-around for network-related blockages in the installer is to use the "slim build" instead ( although it is important to note that will simply defer the problem from installation to operation if the issue does indeed relate to connectivity.

2 minutes ago, Dave CCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		That installation option screen seems to be missing some graphical elements, which is odd.  I don't think I have seen that before.  It should look more like this:

		<a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2021_02/image.png.0ab7b8665750baf26302d7ce67799fd3.png" title="Enlarge image" data-fileid="14509" data-fileext="png" rel=""><img alt="image.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="14509" data-ratio="73.01" width="500" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2021_02/image.png.0ab7b8665750baf26302d7ce67799fd3.png" /></a>

		The second snapshot with the blank screen - was that what you saw after you clicked on install?  If so then note that CCleaner loads some of the UI content from a server, and a blank screen on this second step is usually a sign that you have got CCleaner's network access blocked (either via a firewall rule or some in the hosts file).

		A sort-of-work-around for network-related blockages in the installer is to use the "slim build" instead (<a href="" rel="external"></a>) although it is important to note that will simply defer the problem from installation to operation if the issue does indeed relate to connectivity.


Okay thankyou so much man! That tells me a lot that I didn't realise I even needed to know. Appreciate you going through the images and noticing it wasn't right. I will make a firewall exception for the installer if I can and get back to you if that fixes the problem.

The firewall thing that was mentioned is only relevant if you had blocks already set in place for things like CCleaner.exe or CCleaner64.exe, and the other .EXE files associated with it - Windows Firewall wouldn't normally block it anyways since it's digitally signed and trusted software.

The firewall block is nothing to do with being unable to install. It is not CCleaners job to force a user to open firewall settings. It is supposed to be just a junk cleaner.

Make a new user and try installing from that as a test.