CCleaner Installer fails

I've been using Cleaner (Free) for years with no problems and great results on my Win7 SP1 machine.

Suddenly in August it crashed. I attempted to re-install (Ver 5.67.7763) and it failed.

I got an error message (from Windows I presume ) that the installer had failed.

Subsequent attempts to install later versions lead to the same result.

I've got no clue of even what to look for.

I've saved a .DMP file attached as a ZIP file.

Any help appreciated. TIA


The latest CCleaner version is 5.71.7971

Can you try the Slim build (the last in list)

What antivirus do you use?

Just DLed 7971. I'll try it

I use Microsoft Security essentials ( and MalwareBytes (Free 4.2.0).

OK... 7971_Slim installer seemed to run fine. Clicked finish... and Nada. Nothing happened.

Checked CCleaner directory, and the prog files seem to have been installed.

Tried clicking on the .exe file in program directory and nothing happens.

Any more suggestions?


Still hanging here. CCleaner still won't run.

Does it run if you boot into safe mode?

No, CCleaner does not run when I boot into Safe Mode.

Is that of any help?

CCleaner still won't run, although the latest version will now install

Anyon have any ideas?


I suspect that it may be Win7 related.

Do you know what CCleaner version was running OK for you before you tried to update in August?

I believe it was Version 5.67.7763.

I'm not sure, but still think it may be Win7 related. (MSE shouldn't be interfering, and MB4.2 Free is scan only so wouldn't affect installs).

Windows sometimes has a habit of deciding certain CCleaner versions are not compatible with you machine, even though they run fine if you can get Past Windows and install them.

Try installing v5.64 and see if that will work for you, I've attached the 'Slim' installer.


Will do. Let you know the result. Thanks

Ran the 564 slim instller. It appears to have installed files. But CC still will not run.


Normally if CC installs but won't run then we suspect that the AV being used is stopping it.

But MSE isn't known for doing that.

I'm not sure how easy it is to turn off MSE in Win7 but it's worth a try to see if that is your issue. If it is, or if you don't want to turn MSE off, then try making CCleaner an exception/allowed in MSE which may allow it to run.

No need to turn off MSE perhaps. as poster has said it doesn't run in safe mode.

MSE doesn't run in safe mode.

Dunno, I don't have a machine with Win7 and am not sure how MSE interacts with it?

So just trying ideas if noend7 is willing to do a bit of testing.

Sure, I'm willing to experiment. How do I "turn off" MSE?

And how do I make CC an exception in MSE?

I set both versions (32 & 64 bit) as exceptions. Was still unable to run either.

Have you checked in taskmanager to see if anything from CCleaner is listed there either when you are running it, or even when you are not.

Do you have any other users on the machine that you could try running CCleaner from ?

Try running CCleaner as an administrator if you haven't tried that yet.

The devs need to look into all the failed installs and inability to run CCleaner!