CCleaner install file has changed and doesn't work

In my company we use the free version and so I monitor the version number and, incidentally the file size, to know when there's a new version. I downloaded and installed 4.19... on 27 Oct. On 3 Nov I got a message from my monitoring program that the file size had changed although the version number hadn't.

I downloaded the installer again and it is 1592 bytes bigger than the file I downloaded in Oct. I was suspicioius but eventually tried installing it. It wouldn't install.!: :wacko: As I maintain this for my company I need to know if this version was correct.

It started installing but after the green bar moved about 1 centimetre it stopped. The only way to stop it was to use Task Manager.

How has this happened? Will it be corrected? Are the others in my company stuck with 4.18 until version 5 comes out?

Is CCleaner secure and can we trust it?

You shouldn't be using CCleaner Free in a commercial environment - it's not allowed as per the EULA. If you want to use CCleaner in a business then you need to buy a business license from Piriform.

Ok, so I used "company" in a loose way - we're not in a commercial environment. Does this mean that CCleaner should suddenly stop working? Any way I'm more concerned with the possibility that the piriform site is compromised, wouldn't you be?

No we're not commercial.

I suggest you contact Piriform to ask about this as you are using CCleaner in an environment where you are monitoring other computers with it.

Make sure you tell them where you downloaded it from and what monitoring program you were using which flagged the file size change.

Sorry I gave so much information.

The facts are that the installer for CCleaner 4.19 has been changed and doesn't work.

Do I need to contact Piriform? I thought this was called bug reporting.. Isn't that the same thing?

If I need to contact Piriform, how do I do that?

I downloaded it from hxxp://

Contact details

Don't forget to mention what your monitoring program is, and which webpage you got the actual download from.

(I've de-linked your download as we don't allow live exe files for download on forum)