CCleaner install "date" in Add/Remove Programs is wrong

Recently, the date of the CCleaner installation in the Add/Remove Programs is showing as 1 month EARLIER than the actual date.

I got a new PC (Windows 8 ) on 09-13-13, installed CCleaner app version 4.05.4250, but the date showed 08-21-13.

On 10-04-13 I installed version 4.06.4324 and date wrong...

I had to reinstall CCleaner today (version 4.06 again), but the date in Add/Remove shows 09-19-13 instead of 10-20-13.

Why is CCleaner displaying the wrong installation date -- a one month earlier one? This probably sounds silly, but is that effecting (somehow?) my PC...perhaps causing a problem(???)

It's not effecting your PC in anyway. That's been a bit of a non-critical bug for some time now. It was supposedly fixed however for some of us it hasn't went away.

@Andavari - Thanks a lot for replying, and it's nice to know no harm comes from the wrong date showing up. I just now finished updating all of my programs and CCleaner is now the only one with the wrong date showing...but no problem. Thanks again!