ccleaner.ini (Ccleaner software)


I found better to make this request here, because there's no "questions" subforum among the Ccleaner exclusive subforums.

I was checking some commands that you can do using "ccleaner.ini", and I came up with this question: it's possible to disable hardware specifications(like processor, RAM, video card) display or modify them using the "ccleaner.ini"(or, it's possible in any other way)?

I know this isn't a regular question(I think, one time I couldn't find anything about this on the net), but I'm really curious.

Best Regards.

Ccleaner does not have any effect on hardware, so in short, no.

All the ini file for ccleaner (and all other piriform software, such as Speccy which does work with hardware) is for is to save your ccleaner (other pf software) settings in a file instead of the registry. This allows portability of either your settings to another ccleaner (PF Software) install or even move the program to a portable drive and use it in a no install manner

Aww :(

My Ccleaner is showing erroneous RAM and Video Card, so I don't know what else can solve this.

I've already tried re-installing both Ccleaner and drives(I'm pretty much sure it's related to my video card), it bothers me really much(my ego problem, at this point).

Thank you very much, anyway.

Best Regards.

That is odd. Does speccy report the correct data? How about other specs programs.

Please run a debug session of ccleaner (see the sticky at the top of the ccleaner bugs board) and post the reults here and also your factual specs so the developers can look into whats going on. To make sure, are you running ccleaner with anything odd like a sandbox or virtualized?

Right click the ccleaner.exe and choose properties. Go to the compatibility tab and make sure nothing is enabled.