CCleaner Icon on System Start

It persistently keeps starting along with my Windows7 - the icon on Quick start menu (down right corner of the screen). In Options-->Settings all necessary boxes are clean.

Thanks for help - mauri1

More info: CCleaner Professional Edition, latest version.

You mean a CCleaner Icon in the System Tray at the bottom right of your screen similar to this:


That is 'Smart Cleaning' which launches at boot and runs in the background.

Go to Options>Smart Cleaning if you want to turn it off.


Sorry, helped myself: Win key-->msconfig.exe-->etc.-->uncheck CCleaner. It works!

Thank you, nukecad: you are right, of course. What I called Quick Start Menu is in fact System Tray, it looks a bit different in my Win 7. As I say in my late post - I made it with msconfig.exe and it's OK now, thank you...

Yes, I'm on Win10 2004 so the tray will look slightly different.

TBH It would have been easier just to turn Smart Cleaning off in CCleaner.