CCleaner help for this newbie lol

Hello I have to admit that I am not very good on my computer and since it was slowing down someone had told me about CCleaner . They told me that I needed to download it and just do what it says , well I did needless to say but when I clicked on the run cleaner to remove the cookies ( and boy did I have a lot of them !) it asked if I was sure that I wanted to perm delete them. And to be honest I do not know what to do !!! Can someone help me ? And what does everyone mean that I should go through that long list to see if there are cookies that I need? How in the world do I know which ones I should keep ?!?

Thank each and everyone of you that is willing to take the time to teach this Granny of 5 what to do ! :D

Sometimes it's best to sweep the whole house clean, with the new broom, as the mangled metaphor goes.

Do not touch the Registry section, you will not gain a great deal and my well mangle more than your metaphor, so keep away for the time being.

Run CCleaner - the Window brought up when you press the Brush icon on the top l/h of the page - with the default settings. You can run the Analyse step first if you wish or just go ahead and press Run Cleaner. There will be a warning of dire consequences but just bash on.

This will remove all of your cookies. Unfortunately this may also remove some saved info, such as some logon id's and passwords. When you next logon to a site and wish to save the logon info, press remember password. Then go to CC's Cookies list and move the cookie for that site from the by now smaller list to the cookies to keep list. It may take a little practice and a few goes, but it's all added skills and knowledge.

When you've clicked and pressed enough come back here with a progress report, for marks out of 10.