CCleaner Has Stopped Working


I am running CCleaner Free (v. 5.44.6575) on a Windows 7 Home Premium desktop computer. CCleaner has run fine for many years on this computer.

However, today each time I tried to run CCleaner, it crashed. See the attached screenshot.

This has never happened before. Any idea what triggered this new behaviour?


How long have you been using that version?

what is your AV a software?

do you use MalwareBytes Premium?

have you tried uninstalling, rebooting and reloading it?

if still no luck, try the Slim or Portable builds, or an earlier version (available from Filehippo).

Thanks for the reply.

I use Kaspersky Internet Security and Malwarebytes 3.5.1.

However, I seem to have gotten it working again. I read through a few other threads in these forums and one piece of advice has worked for me. For example the following thread:

The reply by cc2150dx on June 4, the second screen capture. I went to the "Advanced" menu. Then selected "Advanced Report."

Now it works. I do not know why, but it runs.