CCleaner has removed my MS Word

How do I get MS Word back? Some time ago I downloaded the latest version of CCleaner and ran it. After that when I tried to open MS word, it wouldn?t open and I got the message that this file could not be found:


So I ran Recuva. Earlier I saw it could recover even files I deleted ages ago but it cant find this file. So I googled the name of this file and was taken to some french site and I clicked to translate to english but it didn?t work. Anyway I know some french and it didn?t sound relevant.

My question is: is there any way I can get this file back? Can I now make MS word work for me without having to reinstall it? Because ever since I ran CCleaner I?m getting the message that MS word has not been installed on my computer. I?ve been using Atlantis instead of Word since then but I need Word back.

This never happened with any previous version of CCleaner but a guy I spoke to said he too had problems with missing files after using CCleaner, and so never used it after that.

If there is some problem with CCleaner that makes it sometimes do this, I would think Piriform should be very interested in this problem and in developing a

solution for it. How can I contact any technical person

or engineer from Piriform to help me solve this problem?

Meantime can anyone help me get my missing file back?

Thanks in advance for any help.

OPA11.BAK is a backup copy of OPA11.DAT which stores Activation information. Have a look at this page. You may be able to recover your file(s) and get Word back up and running.

(Scroll down to method 2)

I noticed on that page it says, "Important Do not delete the opa11.bak file." But hopefully the method to re-activate will solve the problem.

See a long old thread which mentions this file

Also if Andavari sees this thread he may have post a comment on it.

Thanks guys. I tried the things suggested but i cant get the file back because its totally deleted from my comp.

I have googled OPA11.BAK. I tried various sites where they said a download was available, only to be given the message the site no longer had that file. I was told to try these sites for the file:

But they look like movie and games downloads sites. In fact that last site looks like it has porn movies, so I distrust it. I fear downloading from any site that might give a virus.

I?m very frustrated. All I want is to find this one file. Why cant I find it? Can anyone here please direct me to any site from where I can safely download this file? Please help!

Do NOT download opa11.bak from a website or torrent. It's on your Office install CD.

There's two ways to get that file back!

1. Repair your Office installation.

2. Insert your Office install CD, it should be disc #1.

3. Go into Add/Remove Programs click your Office install as if you were going to uninstall it.

4. Use the Repair function.

Most likely the best ideal:

1. Fully uninstall Office, then restart your computer.

2. Reinstall Office and allow it to copy the setup files to your hard disk and do NOT delete them! This one little thing of allowing the setup files to reside on the hard disk alone will allow you to never have to grab the CD again if a file is missing, if there's a service pack update, or if you have to repair the installation.

And finally:

Disable Office cleaning in CCleaner by unticking its box (although CCleaner doesn't delete opa11.bak or opa11.dat). Do the same in any other cleaning software you use too!

Thanks, Andavari. I did as you said, tried to repair with the CD in. The problem is I have MS Office Professional 2003 installed on my comp and I have 2 CDs. One says MS Office 2000 Premium. The other says Win XP 2004.

I cant get back this file because the Win XP 2004 is too old and when I insert the disk and try to run it, it warns that the version of Windows on my comp is newer than the one on the CD and if I uninstall Windows and install the CD version I will lose files and settings.

Is there no way I can get OPA11.BAK from somewhere?

Where did you get Office 2003? You have a CD for 2000. Any copy of OPA11.BAK from another computer wont work since its not going to match the installation id.

a tech i no longer use cos he sold me a bad printer reinstalled it some years ago. thast how i have a more recent version.

"Any copy of OPA11.BAK from another computer wont work since its not going to match the installation id. "

so i have no choice but to reinstall windows from scratch? or do i just have to reinstall MS OFFICE?

No need to reinstall windows. Only Office. I was researching if you could repair the current install of Offcie using the MSOCache. Have you tried going to the Control Panel > Add remove programs > Select Microsoft Office 2003 and click the change button. Then in the uninstall dialog that pops up, there is a button to 'Repair' your installation. The problem I suspect is that you'll be prompted to insert a CD. But on the chance your cache is intact, it just might work.

Installing the latest Office 2003 service pack may be another option.;displaylang=en

Yes I tried to repair with the CD inserted. Wouldn?t work.

If I Install the latest Office 2003 service pack, will I have to save all my files first? Will it wipe out everything the way reformatting the disk does?

Also I think you can use updates from Microsoft only if you have a legitimate version. In india everyone uses pirated versions of all software. The guy who installed it on my comp must have used a pirated version.

Its only a matter of time before this thread gets locked.

Installing the service pack for Office wont affect Windows. It only updates Office. If you are using a less than legitimate version, you may be out of luck.

I think you are spot on there Disk4Mat. :)

CCleaner does not condone the use of pirated software.

Thread closed