CCleaner has no support for the new program "RealPlayer Cloud"

Before 2 days my old "RealPlayer" Version was updated

to a new "RealPlayer Cloud" with Version -

Today, this new version is NOT supported by CCleaner.

Therefore, i don't get by CCleaner any cleaning of this very interesting new RP Cloud Version -

Please, update asap winapp.ini to support this new RealPlayer Cloud!

Thanx in advance

pirat from Heidelberg, Germany

a happy user of 4 piriform programs

I strongly disliked Real Player Cloud which was automatically installed without being requested, and I went through the normal Windows process of deleting the program.

Although the program was reported as having been deleted, it left many folders and files on my PC, of which only a few I have been able to get rid of.

When I clean with CCleaner there are always some Real Player Cloud files on the ' to be deleted' list.

The deleted program also lists RealPlayer Cloud as a computer drive (without an assigned letter) on Windows Computer window, and is listed as an option on many of the right-click menus of many programs.

Real Player Cloud has obviously left a file that recreates the problems even after they have been deleted (where possible), hoping that I will reinstall it.

Has Piriform got an answer for this annoying subject which really should be cleaned from my PC.?

Keep up the good works.

@ John:

Odd coincidence.

I just finished cleaning out some very old (years & years) realplayer registry entries.

They were buried deep and were protected from deletion.

CCleaner and the native registry editor wouldn't touch them.

Never have liked realplayer for that very reason: It locks itself into your system, and makes decisions without asking.

Fwiw, there are good alternatives available, see the Freeware topic. MPC-HC and VLC Media Player come to mind, there may be others.

As to the method used to delete those stubborn keys, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, just too much chance of a slip up that could cripple your system.

Some legitimate entries, which should be left alone, look almost exactly like realplayer entries which can be deleted.

No offense intended, not suggesting that you know less about registry editing than I do, but I do know this registry here quite well. Other members who know more than I may be able to help, but i had to alternate between coffee and nerve pills the whole time, and wouldn't wish that on anyone. :lol:

Perhaps look on the RealPlayer site for an uninstaller to fully remove it. Or if Real doesn't offer an uninstaller for full removal and if feeling brave reinstall RealPlayer Cloud, but this time uninstall it with Revo Uninstaller.

Perhaps this may help

(you can change the language in the top right hand corner)

The link to this was taken from this thread

(again you can change the language in the top right hand corner)

Hazelnut, way back when I uninstalled realplayer, I used the uninstall routine suggested by realplayer at the time.

Those difficult entries were left over. I have ignored them for years.

To be honest, they didn't hurt anything, and removing them doesn't seem to have made much difference.