CCleaner hangs while cleaning disks [fixed in 5.70]

Ladies and gentlemen. With these settings (see screenshots), your program hangs at the end of the cleanup. To shutdown it requires a task manager or a system restart. I noticed that the latest version of your program loads the operating system very strongly, unlike earlier versions! Although the operations performed by me are the same as before. Please tell me if these problems of your program will be eliminated or will I have to abandon it and start using other programs? Thank.

Windows 10 Pro x64 / version 2004.



I believe that what you describe as 'hangs' is simply CCleaner taking a long time to wipe your free space.

The settings that you have made will mean that it will take a very long time to wipe your free space, especially as you are doing it for all 3 of your drives.

You have 'Wipe Free Space' selected in Custom Clean and the other settings apply it for all 3 of your drives.

'Wipe Free Space' is not meant for use on a regular basis and should hardly ever need to be used. You should have it unticked for normal cleaning.

It is a tool to use when you are selling or passing on your computer or hard drive.

It removes the remnants of deleted files so that they cannot be later recovered with a recovery tool.

It will not 'clean up' your computer for normal use, or make it run any faster.

Wipe Free Space is also not needed on an SSD and using it regularly, as you seem to be, can shorten the life of an SSD.

So untick your <span class="ipsEmoji">?</span> drive if/when you do use Wipe Free Space.

You then have 'Secure File Deletion' set for 7 passes, Wipe Alternate Data streams, &amp; Wipe Cluster Tips.

You do not need to use secure file deletion on an SSD. (And it can also shorten the life of an SSD if you do use it).

With a modern HDD one pass is sufficent for secure file deletion, more passes are not needed on modern computers.

With your disc setup I would suggest that you don't use secure file deletion, if you do then one pass only.

Finally - I believe that by "your program loads the operating system very strongly" you are meaning that CCleaner is using a lot of the CPU?

This is a known issue in certain circumstances, the cause and fix is now known, and it will be fixed in the next CCleaner update.

In the meantime be sure to close CCleaner after using it, - it is only if you leave CCleaner open (or minimised to the taskbar) after use that the high CPU usage build up.

It <u>will</u> be happening to you because you will have CCleaner open for a long time while attempting to wipe the free space on all 3 drives.

Thank you for your reply. As for the SSD drive, I took it into account ("ten myths about SSD that will never die")).

I'm sorry, but I'm not a newbie to software - so I can independently determine the timing and options for servicing my PC.)

Therefore, the problem with your software is described by me exactly: CCleaner does not quit after the operations specified by me. Namely, it "freezes" at the moment when all the operations by your program with my settings are performed, as can be seen from the program message (all disks are cleaned in full), but the program at this moment "freezes" and does not report which files were deleted and so on, which should be in the task completion report. In this case, your program does not close normally. You can close it only through the task manager, or by restarting Windows. CCleaner

This is, in my opinion, a problem and a danger of breaking Windows. In addition, I can say that this, in my opinion, the malfunction was discovered by me in the latest version of your program - before that everything worked fine.

p .s. I ask you to explain your answer that only your open program (which has already completed all the scheduled tasks!) "can heavily load your processor" (?). I should be aware of some hidden from me as a user operations that does your program execute even without executing the tasks I activated?

Yes, it's a bug in v5.69 and as said above it will be fixed in the next CCleaner update.

It's a problem with 'leaking' device context handles, as you say that you are not a newbie to software user then you will probably know that 'leak' means that the longer the programme is open the more of the CPU it will want to use.

Closing the programme means it is no longer trying to hog the CPU.

This is why with normal use most users are not even aware that there is an issue, they open CCleaner, clean, and close CCleaner - the leak does not have time to affect anything noticably.

Only those who leave CCleaner open for longer times notice it, because the programme is open for longer it has time to hog the CPU.

In your particular case you are regularly wiping free space on 3 drives and that is not normal usage, (Wipe Free Space is not meant to be used like that), and that will mean that you have CCleaner open for longer than it would be in normal usage.

So it then becomes a race between can CCleaner finish wiping your 3 dives before the leak causes your CPU to top out, from what you describe then it is finishing the wipes but then because of the leak it has no more CPU resources to do anything else.

In that circumstance force closing CCleaner (by task manage or a restart) frees up the CPU again.

I suggest that if you realy insist on continuing to wipe all 3 of your drives with each run of CCleaner, which is your choice to make, then you stop wiping them until the next CCleaner update fixes the context handle leak. For now untick Wipe Free Space and just do the cleaning without the wiping of free space.

(Alternatively wipe one at once, closing and reopening CCleaner between each one).

Once the leak is fixed in the next update then you can go back to wiping free space every time if you want to. (But it's not necessary).

PS. While SSDs can stand many more rewrites than they used to do in the early days they still have a limit on how many times they can be written to, it's just a much bigger limit than the early SSDs had.

2 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		While SSDs can stand many more rewrites than they used to do in the early days they still have a limit on how many times they can be written to, it's just a much bigger limit than the early SSDs had.

Thing is SSDs are easy to shorten the life or outright kill if intentionally abused. And drive manufacturers can look at the S.M.A.R.T. data and possibly know if a drive has been abused and in that scenario they don't have to honor the warranty.

Gentlemen, this is no longer funny.

Am I right on the ccleaner forum?

I am interested in the incorrect operation of this program and how to fix the "freeze" of ccleaner!

I am not interested in your opinion on using SSD!

I continue to wait for your answer to my question.

13 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Yes, it's a bug in v5.69 and as said above it will be fixed in the next CCleaner update.

		It's a problem with 'leaking' device context handles, as you say that you are not a newbie to software user then you will probably know that 'leak' means that the longer the programme is open the more of the CPU it will want to use.

		Closing the programme means it is no longer trying to hog the CPU.

		This is why with normal use most users are not even aware that there is an issue, they open CCleaner, clean, and close CCleaner - the leak does not have time to affect anything noticably.

		Only those who leave CCleaner open for longer times notice it, because the programme is open for longer it has time to hog the CPU.

		In your particular case you are regularly wiping free space on 3 drives and that is not normal usage, (Wipe Free Space is not meant to be used like that), and that will mean that you have CCleaner open for longer than it would be in normal usage.

		So it then becomes a race between can finish wiping your 3 dives before the leak causes your CPU to top out, from what you describe then it is finishing the wipes but then because of the leak it has no more CPU resources to do anything else.

		In that circumstance force closing CCleaner (by task manage or a restart) frees up the CPU again.

		I suggest that if you realy insist on continuing to wipe all 3 of your drives with each run of CCleaner, which is your choice to make, then you stop wiping them until the next CCleaner update fixes the context handle leak. For now untick Wipe Free Space and just do the cleaning without the wiping of free space.

		(Alternatively wipe one at once, closing and reopening CCleaner between each one).

		Once the leak is fixed in the next update then you can go back to wiping free space every time if you want to. (But it's not necessary).

		PS. While SSDs can stand many more rewrites than they used to do in the early days they still have a limit on how many times they can be written to, it's just a much bigger limit than the early SSDs had.


I read your message and the only thing I understood is that you have to wait for the update of your program, which will fix the errors of the current version.

I am unpleasantly surprised by your teachings on how programs work on a computer running Windows 10 (((

Most of your message is irrelevant to the problem

work of the current version of CCleaner.

And in general, far from reality: I wrote that your program loads the processor very heavily, and you write to me that your program cannot be "closed". None of my "heavy" graphics programs force you to reboot the PC or use the task manager to "exit" it does not "load" the operating system so much that Windows itself starts to "freeze"!

I am forced to remove your program before exiting as you write a new version.

After that, I will need to test the new version and decide on the further use of CCleaner in general.

Additionally, I use Avast Premium Security antivirus - I have been buying it annually for five years.

The question arose: if the manufacturer AVAST has not been able to repair a 26 kilobyte program for a month, then how does AVAST work (and does it work?)?

Maybe it's time to switch to another antivirus?

I have to end our dialogue because I have not received any answer to my question other than the message that we must wait for the new version.

Your messages were extremely strange for me ((

Good luck.

You have been answered twice here already, I'm sorry if you cannot understand that answer - here it is again.

  1. Yes, there is currently a bug in CCleaner v5.69 that is causing a 'CPU leak' and slowdow/freeze in certain circumstances.
  2. Whether it happens to you or not depends on how you are using CCleaner.
    	It is happening to you personally because you are doing a Wipe Free Space on 3 drives, it is not normal to do that every time you clean.
    	Yes, it will be fixed in the next CCleaner update.

To stop your freeze it until the update/fix is available:

Stop doing the unneccessary Wipe Free Space that you are doing on 3 drives with every clean - Open CCleaner, Clean normally (without the Wipe Free Space), Close CCleaner - then you will not see the freeze.

22 minutes ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		You have been answered twice here already, I'm sorry if you cannot understand that answer - here it is again.

			Yes, there is currently a bug in CCleaner v5.69 that is causing a 'CPU leak' and slowdow/freeze in certain circumstances.
			Whether it happens to you or not depends on how <u>you</u> are using CCleaner.

			It is happening to you personally because you are doing a Wipe Free Space on 3 drives, it is not normal to do that every time you clean.
			Yes, it will be fixed in the next CCleaner update.
		To stop your freeze it until the update/fix is available:

Stop doing the unneccessary Wipe Free Space that you are doing on 3 drives with every clean - Open CCleaner, Clean normally (without the Wipe Free Space), Close CCleaner - then you will not see the freeze.

I already have no words!

Who told you that I do deep cleaning EVERY TIME?

Why are you going to teach how to maintain your PC user ?????

Why are you sure that the user who asks you to troubleshoot YOUR program knows less about software and Windows than you ???? (as well as about your PC, its elements and architecture ???)

Why is it NOT OK to do a DEEP cleanup IMMEDIATELY on three disks in the latest version of your program ?????

What have you done with the program that everyone has been using since 2003 ???

Sorry, to "break" such a simple popular program you need to have great talent! (

You seem to be labouring under a few mishaprehensions.

I am not a Piriform employee, I am a user and volunteer - as are all the moderators here.

It is not 'my programme', I do not have access to the programme code.

If you choose to do a Wipe Free Space on 3 drives everytime you run CCleaner then that is entirely up to you, but it is not normal practice and is unecessary.


There is a CPU leakage bug in v5.69 that has been acknowledged and is being fixed.

It is only affecting a minority (like yourself) who are using CCleaner in certain ways, most users aren't even aware of it.

You have been advised that if you temporarily stop using Wipe Free Space on all 3 drives in CCleaner then you will not see the issue.

Again it is entirely up to you whether to take that advice or not, but if you don’t then until the next update you will keep having the issue.

Once the bug is fixed in the next update you will no longer see the issue, and you can go back to wiping all 3 drives if you want to.

9 hours ago, Ivan Belov said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Gentlemen, this is no longer funny.

		Am I right on the ccleaner forum?

		I am interested in the incorrect operation of this program and how to fix the "freeze" of ccleaner!

		I am not interested in your opinion on using SSD!

		I continue to wait for your answer to my question.

I didn't mean to upset you.

Although to also help other users who might happen along your topic you'd be surprised at how many people don't know to not do certain potentially damaging tasks on their SSD that they could do previously with a mechanical hard disk disk, such as Defragment, Secure Delete, and Wipe Free Space, etc.

On 04/08/2020 at 13:45, Ivan Belov said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		the latest version of your program loads the operating system very strongly, unlike earlier versions

@Ivan Belov: Have you updated to CCleaner 5.70? Did you find that solved your problem?

8 hours ago, Dave CCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/90076-ivan-belov/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="90076" href="<___base_url___>/profile/90076-ivan-belov/" rel="">@Ivan Belov</a>: Have you updated to CCleaner 5.70?  Did you find that solved your problem?

Hello! Everything is good.