Hello, I'm new here.
I recently tried to run CCleaner 3.06.1433 on my Vista machine.
After "Analyze", I run the cleanup. CCleaner cleans everything
up until it gets to IE browser history. The progress starts at 1% and sits there.
I let it alone for 24 hours, and nothing changed.
CCleaner gave me a "not responding" error when I tried to exit.
I finally had to use Task Manager to get it to "end the process".
Can someone tell me what steps to take to get this to work?
I thought about booting the machine in "Safe" mode and then
running CCleaner to see if it will actually be able to clear
the browser history. Would that work?
Thank you for your help..
You could first try clearing the IE History from the menu available within IE, then try CCleaner again.
You could first try clearing the IE History from the menu available within IE, then try CCleaner again.
Thank you. I did try that, and it failed.
However, I just went back and re-booted the machine and tried
clearing the history through IE8's menu. It worked.
Thank you again for your help.
I have the same issue, if i untick Internet explorer > history then it works, but if it is ticked it hangs.
I've also tried running as administrator, manually clearing all IE history and other things like temp files. (I have not restarted my computer, for two reason downtime and it not a permanent fix).
CCleaner - v4.04.4197
IE - 10.0.7 (KB2846071 )
OS - Win8 64bit
August 16, 2013, 12:17am
topic locked as you already hijacked another thread, and I don't think it's fair to members to answer twice
original poster, please contact me if you wish the thread reopened, though that seems doubtful based on the age of the thread.