CCleaner hangs during cleaning

Windows 8.1 64 bit, CClean 4.15.4725. During cleaning the program often appears to hang on a single file (progress bar and % complete do not advance). Try to Cancel but that is unsuccessful and leads to Windows message "Program not responding" . I try to start Windows Task Manager to kill the program but Windows is then hung and I have to reboot. When I retry CClean after reboot it continues to hang on the same file.

I usually have secure deletion with one pass overwrite. When I change to normal deletion everything works fine. This has happened a dozen or so times over several months; i.e. with at least a couple of versions of CClean if not more.

Are you able to see which file it hangs on when you are doing an analyse or clean?

Which anti-virus software are you using?

I'm late getting back to you - thought there would be an email notification when someone responded.

I think the file it hangs on is different each time. For now I have secure delete 1 pass overwrite turned off and use simple delete where I seem to have no problems. I'll turn overwrite back on and record the file when it next happens.

I'm using BitDefender antivirus.

I tried CClean on my other computer - Windows 7 Home Professional SP1. I set to one pass overwrite. Program hung up at 27% and did not proceed further. Windows then crashed when I attempted a windows operation while CClean was hung up. Pretty much the same symptoms as on the Windows 8.1 computer I reported earlier.

The file deletion in progress when it hung:

c:\users\....\AppData\LocalTemp\Foxit Reader Updater.exe (9.375 MB)

As I said earlier, the file when it hangs is different each time. I think it is usually one in a temp folder like this or some windows folder.

Using BitDefender antivirus.

Hi, I have the same problem with CCleaner hanging and locking-up the OS, Windows 8.1 64 bit, CCleaner 4.15.4725, currently using 3-pass advanced overwrite. I'm also running BitDefender AV 2015.

With me the Analyse function seems to work fine, but during clean it always hangs on the same file in the recycle bin (actually the only file in the recycle bin), a small (125kb) windows temp folder that I deleted by hand.

Just tried changing the deletion method from 3-pass overwrite to standard, and now it works fine, so I guess the issue is with the secure deletion?


Probably an issue with BitDefender doing what it "says on the can" - it is defending your bits :rolleyes:

Perhaps BitDefender is "asleep on the job" when CCleaner quickly deletes a file,

but lurches into action once over-writing is initiated.

I found that this Cleaner program lockup is caused by an incompatibility with Bitdefender antivirus (in my case Bitdefender Total Security). An old post on the Bitdefender support forum addresses this:

One poster reports that a Ccleaner update cleared the issue but I use the latest version of Ccleaner Pro on two machines, a Windows 8.1 and a Windows 7, and on both I have the program lockup. I made the Bitdefender configuration changes recommended in the post (file exclusions) and it fixed the issue - now able to do secure file deletion (1 pass overwrite) with no problems.

Good to hear you are sorted and thanks for posting back as to what worked for you :)