CCleaner hanging at 12% under Windows 10 and SSD drive


I'm having problems with CCleaner which ran ok on my older PC with Vista and a SATA drive.

However my newer PC I've had for approx. 3 months there seems to be problems running CCleaner. However I seem to remember the problem started sometime after CCleaner was first installed.

PC - Lenovo P300 Thinkstation with 16GB memory, I7 fourth gen. cpu, Nvidia Quadro K4000 (3GB) video adapter

HD with Windows 10 64-bit installed on a LITEON LCS-256M6S SSD drive

CCleaner stays at 12% with "Internet Explorer History" on the screen.

This last time running it became stuck at 12% again and eventually displayed a message if I wanted to close FireFox which I did. Then displayed another message to close Chrome which was not open. I guess Chrome has service running in the background even if unopened.

After closing Firefox and chrome I ran CCleaner again.

Started: 6:14 PM

Hasn't yet Ended: currently 6:33 PM and still running at 12%

In the past became stuck at 12% and I let it run overnight and it was finished when I woke in the AM.

Ok, this time while CCleaner was running at 12% I started Firefox in order to create the previous post and CCleaner eventually prompted me if I wanted to close Firefox which I chose to do. Then CCleaner eventually finished.

I'm running CCleaner again it it's hung at 12% with "Internet Explore History" message and hasn't yet prompted me to close FireFox which I ran again to write this message.

What I'll do is manually end Firefox process to see if CCleaner finishes from 12%.

Ok after some more experimentation I found CCleaner won't run correctly and hangs at 12% under my OS when IE selections are enabled. I selected all of IE options except for the delete passwords option.

I rarely if every use IE, however version 11 is installed. I'm fairly certain it's the 64 bit version.

Internet Explorer 11 Versions 11.371.16299.0

Update Versions 11.0.60 (KB4092946)

Windows 10 Version 1709 (OS Build 16299.371)

For months (actually maybe that's years now) it's been known to take a very long time to clean IE and Edge browsers. If you rarely use either of those two browsers you can untick/disable them in CCleaner, and then only occasionally clean them when you know you'll have time to wait for it to clean them.

Firefox sometimes takes a long time to close on some systems, you can look in Task Manager to make sure it isn't running beforehand - although CCleaner should prompt to close it.

Chrome needs to be re-configured to not allow background apps to run as detailed here. Note that after every update Chrome and extensions have you'll need to double-check and make sure that configuration setting change has remained intact.

Ok, thanks for the information.

Edge doesn't seem be a problem. Edge is used once in a while as Firefox occasionally has problems displaying some website forms.

I'm thinking of uninstalling Chrome, the only reason it's installed is because of an add-on extension that was only available under Chrome. When not running Chrome I see a dozen+ unused background processes running and I'm constantly prompted about a google update which becomes annoying.

There are also many other background processes running that are never used or used perhaps once or twice a year.

The unused background processes don't seem to interfere with Windows 10 however I'm thinking of trying to disable rarely used services as I prefer not to have unused processes running in the background.