CCleaner Freezes System

CCleaner is freezing, and freezing the sustem too, when trying to clean some executables and DLL's in TEMP and RecycleBin folders. I'm having to reboot. This doesn't happen all the time.

Isn't CCleaner supposed to skip files in use? If it doesn't, could this be the issue?

CC and Windows versions?

It could be a corrupted Recycle Bin. Try this; and see if it helps.

Or it could be something about the Temp files. Try manually deleting the contents just to get over this hump, then see if CC runs till completion.

And lastly, if still no luck, try running CC from Safe Mode, again just to get over the hump, on the assumption it's some background task interfering.

CC version 5.06.5219, Windows 8.1 up-to-date

It appears to happen right after installing new software that's using the TEMP folders. I think the only time I remember it happening with the RecycleBin is when I manually deleted files from the TEMP folder.

I have reset my RecycleBin folders.

CC version 5.06.5219, Windows 8.1 up-to-date It appears to happen right after installing new software that's using the TEMP folders.
Ccleaner can't delete something if it's running this sounds like the issue