CCleaner Free AutoUpdate Registry with Apps and Features

Hi all,

The latest update of CCleaner 5.74.8198 (64-bit) was process from within the application itself, something i guess was not available for Free edition up until now (it's in the release notes).

However, when updated this convenient way, the application update is not registered with a new date within the Apps and Features screen of Windows, opposed to when updated from the site (and going through the installation wizard).

Is that intended? A bit hard to fathom when was the last time an update was done if it will never register there using this updating method.

The same happens though with other big applications around the industry, though can't say its the correct way to go.

The automatic update to v5.74.8198 was a small bugfix rather than a full version release, so that is probably why the install date of 5.74.#### was not changed in Apps and Features.

When 5.75.#### comes along that should get a new install date.

As you note many applications work the same way, full version changes get a new date, smaller changes to a version don't get a new date.

<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		A bit hard to fathom when was the last time an update was done

You can always check in File Explorer (C:\Program Files\CCleaner) to see what date the CCleaner.exe and CCleaner64.exe were updated on your machine.

Thanks, as i wasn't sure wether it did not register as a new version on that screen due to minor version upgrade instead of a major one, or rather due to the auto update mechanism (as up until to this version, the update had to be done from the website).

We'll see what happens on the next major version (5.75), whether the auto update within the application also updates the Apps and Features screen.