I'm having no success in installing the new free version for Maverick. I go to the "Spotlight" and double click on the .dmg file and it puts the disk on my desktop.. When I double click on it.. nothing happens. When I drag it to my Applications folder.. that's what I get.. a white disk in my app folder. When I click on the CCleaner Icon I get a popup that says "Unsupported OS" I "Think" I know how to do this as I just installed an updated version of Adobe Flash Player.. Went to spotlight and double clicked on the .dmg file and all went well.
Any help would be VERY much appreciated cuz I love CCleaner.
I'm having no success in installing the new free version for Maverick. I go to the "Spotlight" and double click on the .dmg file and it puts the disk on my desktop.. When I double click on it.. nothing happens.
If what you describe happened to me, my first thought would be that the dmg was corrupted during download. Given the relatively small size of the dmg, I'd just redownload and try again.
If after doing that you get the same behavior, here's my first question in helping you troubleshoot:
By default the system's disk mounting component (haven't learned the names of all the OS X components yet) validates each dmg before it tries to mount it, and shows a little dialog with a progress bar as it's doing it. When you say "nothing happens" does that include that little dialog or did you mean nothing after that?
FYI: A single-click on something in Spotlight's list is equivalent to double-clicking that thing in Finder, so a second click won't doing anything for you and one day under the right circumstances might have an effect you'll consider undesirable. On a related note, I've found Spotlight doesn't "do" right-clicks either. It'll treat it like a left-click.
I have a similar problem. I have a paid version of CCleaner. Now when I try to open and use it, I get the following error message: "Unsupported OS. Your operating system is not supported." I've updated to OSX 10.9.2 and that's when the problem began. What can I do to get it working again?