CCleaner for Linux and Virtual Machines

I often use CCleanner on virtual machines running on a Linux host as windows guests. I like the "wipe free space" optinon as dynamically allocated VMs tend to bloat up in size over time and CCleaner corrects this well. I also use bleachbit to do the same and this works on Windows and Linux - however I wonder if CCleaner can or may in future run on a LInux box? Apart to cleaning left over references in "free space", are any of its other features of any use to a Linux system?

I tried Windows 10 some weeks ago but it was far too flakey. "Bad permission errors" continually occured and blocked folder access or folder creation. These sometimes could be fixed using the "touble shooters" but eventually not. Some applications also became unreliable or crashed - windows10 was definitely the culprit so I returned to Linux as these OS have always been stable. I am asking about Pirifowm supporting Linux systems in future products.