CCleaner Firefox 73.0 (64 bit)

Since yesterday evening (till saturday evening everything was working fine) i can't clear firefox cache because CCleaner free (v 5.63.7540) says it still running. It ask to force the shutdown, but is not able to do it. Is this a bug (i saw in the past already happened with older versions of CCleaner) or not? Thanks in advance

I've already tried to uninstall and reinstall if after cleaning the folders but no luck, is still not working.

Annotazione 2020-02-17 111845.jpg

Annotazione 2020-02-17 111845.jpg

I've just done some testing and can confirm that it is happening, and that it's a Firefox change.

Firefox has reset the warning message preferences, either during the update to v73.0, or I suspect in the background this weekend.

You won't see it if you close Firefox before running CCleaner, or if you only have one tab open in Firefox.

It only happens when you have multiple tabs open in Firefox.

If you go back into Firefox from the CCleaner hang you will see the following:


So CCleaner is trying to close it, but can't until that has been answered.

If you untick that 'Warn me...' and then click Close Tabs, (and close the hung CCleaner), then next time you try to clean an open Firefox CCleaner will still ask if you want to close Firefox and if you say yes will close it without hanging.

(I previously had that 'Warn me..' unticked, I usually have multiple tabs open. I've had v73.0 since last Wednesday and today is the first time I've seen that message again, so have no idea what changed it but it must be Mozilla).

So it's not really a bug in CCleaner it's Firefox resetting a preference, but I'll flag it up for the other Moderators and Staff in case someone else asks about it.

(And maybe the CCleaner devs can also do something to stop it from happening).

i've restarted my pc, and even without opening Firefox, CCleaner says it's running, so there's something (probably at this point on FF side) that's been recognized as running even FF is not really running i assume. Thanks for your reply, for the moment i keep deleting my cache manually.

Odd that I found that other issue as well then.

It could well be that there have been other changes to Firefox too.

(I'll have a look round and see what I can find)

It's also odd that Firefox is running at startup, but if this is Win10 then did you Restart, or Shut down and Reboot?

Shut down/reboot hibernates files and processes so would restart firefox.

Restart does not hibernate anything and closes them.

i shut down the pc yesterday evening and boot up this morning. So it should not running at all, in fact if i check task manager there's no firefox applications or process (that i know they were linked to ff) running.

As I said above, with Win 10 a shutdown 'hibernates' any running programmes/processes and starts them again at the next boot.

You need to do a Restart to actually close any running programmes and processes (so that they won’t start again).

That is counter-intuitive, but it's the way Win 10 works.

So you are saying that Task Manager does not show anything FFx running, but CC says that it is? Strange.

I can only think that either something connected to FFx is running but has a name you can't recognise , or FFx has left some file open (or locked) so CC thinks that the whole of FFx is still open.

That can happen if Firefox closes unexpectedly.

(There is also a slight possibility that your Firefox user profile has become corrupted, but usually that won't let you open Firefox at all and Firefox itself tells you it's already running when you try to open it).

When Firefox is behaving strangely extensions or addons are usually the first thing to suspect.

First of all I'd try opening and closing Firefox and then Restarting (not shutting down) your computer, then without opening Firefox do an Analyze in CCleaner to see if it still thinks Firefox is open.

If CC says it's now closed then open FFX, visit a couple of websites, close FFX, and run a CC analyze again.

If CC now says it's still open then it shows that Firefox, or one of the addons, is not closing properly.

If something isn't closing properly I'd then try running Firefox in Safe Mode to rule out an extension being the problem.

Open Firefox in safe mode, visit a couple of websites, close it again, and do an analyze with CCleaner to see if it thinks it's still open.

If CC says it's closed do then it's almost certainly one of the addons causing the problem.

If that's the case then you should remove them and put them back one by one until you find which one is the problem.

If it's not the addons and it's still not fixed then I'd go for a 'Refresh Firefox'.

Note - A refresh will remove your addons (make a note of them first) and put all settings back to default, but it will keep your bookmarks and saved passwords.

Of course there is always the option of uninstalling/reinstalling Firefox, but that's more drastic as it will lose all you bookmarks, and saved passwords.

By restarting the pc, not shutting down, everything seems working fine once again. Probably something went crazy in FF and CCleaner was not able to shut it down. I was sure that was not related on latest FF version because on my laptop (same OS version and same FF and CCleaner version) everything worked fine.

I was in doubt if the problem could be causated by the fact i moved my FF profile from the SSD to my HDD (even for a month everything worked fine).

Now everything it seems fixed, so this 3D can be closed or marked as solved i assume

Thanks for your help, much appreciated

If you turn off Fast Start-up it won't happen again because every shut down then operates the way it used do in previous Windows versions, in other words it really shuts down.

It's one of the first things I do on my machines.

Never thinked about that. Thanks for your tip hazelnut

Good to hear you got it sorted out.


In Win10 shutdown still hibernates running apps even if fast startup is disabled. (It's even more confusing if FS is enabled).

It's not quite what the old hibernate used to do, it's a kind of hybrid between that and a full stop.

If you want to stop everything then you have to do a restart.

As I said above it's counter-intuitive to the way that shutdown/restart used to work, and so can cause confusion.

I don't have sleep or hibernate enabled either.

nukecad you are making it sound as though it is a waste of time turning off fast start-up... it isn't. It solves lots of issues.

And I'm not confused.... turning off fast start up is a good idea.

I'm not saying that its a waste of time turning off fast start-up, FS is known to cause numerous issues.

I'm just saying that even with fast start-up turned off Windows 10 still hibernates some of the kernel during a shutdown, and restores it on reboot.

It doesn't hibernate <u>all</u> the kernel/RAM like Fast start-up does, but it still hibernates stuff.

(It took a while for people to work out that it does this and most articles about turning off fast start-up never mention it, probably because there is nothing you can do to stop it happening).

Which is why restart is needed sometimes to do a clean start without that hibernated stuff.

(You could also hold down shift when clicking on shutdown to prevent the hibernation, or use the command line to shutdown).

As I said it is counter-intuitive that with Win 10 restart clears more than shutdown will, even if you never have fast start-up enabled.

This thread seems to point it up nicely, once Cris86 restarted rather than shutting down the issue with a rouge process running was cured. (of course we don't know if FS was enabled or not).

11 hours ago, Cris86 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		By restarting the pc, not shutting down, everything seems working fine once again.

@Nukecad FS still on for the moment, but as said, restarting solved the problem, so i will keep on for the moment just because in 3 (don't remember) years with Win10, never had this kind of issue, and honestly, if restarting can solve it when happens, i don't see reason to shut off this fast boot option ;)