CCleaner Explained

Detailed explanation of CCleaner's various functions


- Analyze

  • ? This will run a scan and output the files marked for deletion (none have been deleted yet,) and an approximate size of the deleted files.

- Run Cleaner

  • ? This will run the cleaner, deleting files found by analyze (although analyze is not required for Run Cleaner to work) and giving an exact size of files deleted,

- View summary results

  • ? Changes the view option from specific files to the categories they go in, enabled by default, can be undone by double clicking any category in the results window.


[e] Internet Explorer

- Temporary Internet Files

  • ? These are files saved to your hard drive every session (such as the lovely pear from Piriforms site,) these are 100% safe to remove.

- Cookies

  • ? This is data saved to your hard drive from various websites. 'Cookies' contain information such as whether or not you wish to remain logged in, can be removed safely, but will remove any special "keep me logged in" setting you have. Certain cookies can be protected in the settings tab.

- History

  • ? This is your browsing history, it shows what websites you have recently visited and allows you to revisit them. Can safely be removed if you don't have any desire to go back and revisit a site.

- Recently Typed URL's

  • ? Removes the web addresses (http://www.*.*/) that you type in the URL bar. Can safely be removed.

- Index.dat Files

  • ? Contains a list of websites and urls you have visited. Can safely be removed.

- Last Download Location

  • ? The URL of the last file you downloaded. Can safely be removed.

- Autocomplete Form History

  • ? Contains things such as saved user names and passwords, can be removed if you do not allow saving of user names and or passwords. Also removes search histories and anything else that auto completes.


[[]] Windows Explorer

- Recent Documents

  • ? Clears the local cache of files you've recently opened. Can safely be removed.

- Run (in Start Menu)

  • ? Clears to auto complete list from the run dialogue, can safely be removed if you do not need it.

- Other Explorer MRUs

  • ? MRU is "Most recently used" Can be safely removed.

- Thumbnail Cache

  • ? Clears the local cache of thumbnails, is useful once in a while, but will slow up initial display of thumbnails as they need to be re cached. Can Safely be removed.

- Taskbar Jump Lists

  • ? Feature in windows 7 that allows you to quickly execute frequently used commands from the task bar (such as visiting a web page you visit often) can safely be removed if you have no need for it.


[w] System

- Empty Recycle Bin

  • ? Empties your recycle bin. Can safely be removed.

- Temporary Files

  • ? Deletes files created for temporary use by the system. Usually can be safely removed.

- Clipboard

  • ? Clears the "copy" and "cut" function, can be safely removed but anything you recently copied or cut will be lost

- Memory Dumps

  • ? Removes memory dumps generated by application crashes.

- Chkdsk File Fragments

  • ? Removes parts of files found by chkdsk. Chkdsk is short for check disk, and you should remove these files only if you haven't recently force-restarted or lost power.

- Windows Logs Files

  • ? Windows update logs, can be removed safely.

- Windows Error Reporting

  • ? Removes files queued for uploading to microsoft, can be removed safely.

- DNS Cache

  • ? Flushes your DNS cache, which effectively flushes any bad connections to web pages you have. Can be safely removed.

- Start Menu Shortcuts

  • ? Removes shortcuts in the start menu left over by sloppy uninstallations

- Desktop Shortcuts

  • ? Removes shortcuts on the desktop left over by sloppy uninstallations.


[!] Advanced

- Old Prefetch Data

  • ? Deletes old .pf files from the prefetch. Should not be run if you don't know what you're doing.

- Menu Order Cache

  • ? Deletes any special order of icons in the start menu. Can be safely run.

- Tray Notification Cache

  • ? Deletes the cache of notifications in the system tray. Can be safely run, but if you don't need to, don't.

- Window Size/Location Cache

  • ? Deletes any custom windows size settings you have set. Can be safely run unless you have programs set up to run in specific areas of the screen or different sizes.

- User Assist History

  • ? Deletes the cached icons in the front part of the start menu. Can be safely removed.

- IIS Log Files

  • ? IIS log files are a log files for the IIS webserver which you most likely do not have installed. Can safely be removed.

- Hotfix Uninstallers

  • ? Allow you to remove patches, can be run but will prevent you from uninstalling an update to windows.

- Custom Files And Folders

  • ? Deletes files in the "Include" list

- Wipe Free Space

  • ? Overwrites free space on the hard drive, should not be used unless selling the drive.



[o] FireFox / Mozilla

- Cookies

  • ? Same as Internet Explorer cookies

- Download History

  • ? Clears the list of downloaded files from the download manager. Can be safely removed.

- Internet Cache

  • ? Same as internet explorer temporary files.

- Internet History

  • ? Same as internet explorer history.

- Saved Form Information

  • ? Same as internet explorer 'Form History'

- Compact Databases

  • ? "vacuums" the SQLITE databases used by firefox. May cause loss of bookmarks ordering. Can be safely run, but may disturb order.



- Missing Shared DDLs

  • ? Scans for .DLL files references left over by uninstalled programs.

- Unused File Extensions

  • ? Scans for file extensions that no longer have openwith keys

- ActiveX and Class Issues

  • ? Scans for issues related to ActiveX controls and references.

- Type Libraries

  • ? Scans for invaid type libraries. Essentially a binary version of an IDL file.

- Applications

  • ? Searches for invalid application paths.

- Fonts

  • ? Scans for fonts that no longer exist

- Application Paths

  • ? Scans for paths to programs that no longer exist.

- Help Files

  • ? Scans for references to help files that no longer exist.

- Installer

  • ? Scans for missing installers.

- Obsolete Software

  • ? Scans for software that has been uninstalled but left install entries.

- Run At Startup

  • ? Scans for invalid startup entries

- Start Menu Ordering

  • ? Scans for any invalid links to start menu entries.

- MUI Cache

  • ? Looks for issues inside the MUI Cache section of the registry.

-- Scan For Issues

  • ? Scans the registry for whichever issues you have selected to scan for

-- Fix Selected Issues

  • ? Fixes the selected issues found.



[ Uninstall ]

- Run Uninstaller

  • ? Runs the uninstaller and uninstalls the selected program

- Rename Entry

  • ? Renames the selected program's entry in the uninstall list

- Delete Entry

  • ? Deletes the selected program's entry in the uninstall list, SHOULD NOT CLICK THIS IN CONFUSION WITH UNINSTALL.

- Search

  • ? Searches for a program

- Save to text file

  • ? Saves your list of programs to a text file.


[ Startup ]

- Enable

  • ? Re-enables a disabled entry.

- Disable

  • ? Prevents an entry from starting up, may be re-enabled.

- Delete

  • ? Permanently removes an entry from the start up list.

- Save to text file

  • ? Saves your startup list to a text file.


[ System Restore ]

- Remove

  • ? Removes the selected restore point, should not be used for no reason.



[ Settings]

- Language

  • ? Changes the language of CCleaner

- Run CCleaner when the computer starts

  • ? Sets Ccleaner to open when the computer boots up.

- Add "Run CCleaner option to Recycle Bin context menu

  • ? Adds an option to run ccleaner to the "right click" menu of the recycle bin.

- Add "Open CCleaner..." option to Recycle Bin context menu

  • ? Adds an option to open ccleaner to the "right click" menu of the recycle bin.

- Automatically check for updates to CCleaner

  • ? Sets CCleaner to ask Piriform whether or not there is a new version. Selecting this is advised.

-- Secure Deletion

- Normal file deletion (faster)

  • ? Deletes files as usual (marking them as free space) default

- Secure file deletion (slower)

  • ? Simple Overwrite (1 pass)

  • ? Deletes the files by overwriting them once with random data.

  • ? DOD 5220.22M (3 Passes)

  • ? Deletes the files by overwriting them 3 times with random data.

  • ? NSA (7 Passes)

  • ? Deletes the files by overwriting them 7 times with random data.

  • ? Gutmann (35 Passes)

  • ? Deletes the files by overwriting them 35 times with random data. This is rather uneffective for drives made in the past 10 years.

[ wipe free space drives ]

- *:\

  • ? Fills the free space on the selected drive with random data (1 pass default)

- Wipe MFT Free Space

  • ? Fills the free space in the $mft zone, which holds a list of files previously on the drive.

** Do not run unless you are selling the drive or you have some reason to want to make all your data previously on the drive un-recoverable.


[ Cookies ]

[[ Cookies to Delete ]]

  • ? A list of cookies that will be deleted on the next run with cookie deletion enabled. All cookies are here by default.

[[ Cookies to Keep ]]

  • ? A list of cookies the user has selected to not be deleted by dragging them in from the other list. Cookies in this list will be protected from deletion even when cookie deletion is enabled.


[ Include ]

- Add

  • ? Adds a specific, custom folder to be cleaned. Cleaned by "Custom files and folders"

- Edit

  • ? Edits the path of a folder to be cleaned.

- Remove

  • ? Removes a folder from the list of extra folders to be cleaned.


[ Exclude ]

- Add

  • ? Adds a custom folder to prevent its being cleaned by CCleaner. Will be overlooked during normal cleaning.

- Edit

  • ? Edits the path of a folder for exclusion.

- Remove

  • ? Removes a folder from the list of excluded folders.


[ Advanced ]

- Show initial results in detailed view

  • ? Sets the result window to be "expanded" by default. This shows a list of files rather than categories and was the default mode for quite some time.

- Only delete files in Window Temp folders older than 24 hours

  • ? Will set CCleaner not to delete any temp folders created in the last day.

- Hide Warning messages

  • ? Hides warning messages. Enabling is ill advised.

- Close program after cleaning

  • ? Will shut off CCleaner after it is done cleaning.

- Show prompt to backup registry issues

  • ? Forces the dialogue to open where it asks you to back up any modifications to the registry. Disabling is ill advised.

- Minimize to System Tray

  • ? Sets CCleaner to minimize to the system tray instead of the task bar.

- Save all settings to INI file

  • ? Saves all your settings to a file so they can be transferred.

- Enable Windows Jump List Tasks

  • ? Allows for the enabling and disabling of cleaning jump list tasks.

I am sort of unclear on some of the registry ones, but I think the list is fairly accurate. Feel free to correct me and sorry if theres massive amounts of typos and/or incorrect data, I literally wrote this at 5:30 AM after being awake for 26 hours (then I went to bed :))

Being an IB student that is normal I must say.

Sticky! (or update the CCleaner Docs.) :)

Oh the joys of IB

to what extent is IBquotes funny? :lol:

Is this any different than the the 'manual' at ?

Sidebar... is it possible to get a PDF of that online 'manual'.

Is this any different than the the 'manual' at http://www.piriform..../using-ccleaner ?

Sidebar... is it possible to get a PDF of that online 'manual'.

Yes it's different it isn't the official online documentation.

If you want a PDF of the online manual you'll need to use a free online PDF converter that converts sites/pages to PDF, or you could just use "File->Save As-> HTML Complete or Single Web File" in your web browser to browse the docs offline.

Yes it's different it isn't the official online documentation.

If you want a PDF of the online manual you'll need to use a free online PDF converter that converts sites/pages to PDF, or you could just use "File->Save As-> HTML Complete or Single Web File" in your web browser to browse the docs offline.

Thank you for the reply and info.

Was hoping we wouldnt need to go to each topic/subtopic and save/print as a PDF.

But at least there is something to 'save as'.

Thanks again.