ccleaner.exe file infected by virus!

Hi, i've got BitDefender 9 Professional Plus and tell me that CCleaner.exe file is infected by Trojan.Banker.VB.15E70689, what's wrong with this version, the previous version work fine and it's clear from viruses ... is there anyone with the same problem?

Forgive me my bad English!


Ouch, I can comfirm this. (Just tested it), it doesn't have a real virus in it. :D

Verified by uploading the file to

File: CCleaner.exe


POSSIBLY INFECTED/MALWARE (Note: this file has been scanned before. Therefore, this file's scan results will not be stored in the database) (Note: this file was only classified as malware by scanners known to generate more false positives than the average scanner. Do not consider these results definately accurate. Also, because of this, results of this scan will not be recorded in the database.)

MD5: 6249a286f6f4a755a7643ab8b6d8c7ff

Packers detected: -

Scanner results

AntiVir: Found nothing

ArcaVir: Found nothing

Avast: Found nothing

AVG Antivirus: Found nothing

BitDefender: Found Trojan.Banker.VB.15E70689

ClamAV: Found nothing

Dr.Web: Found nothing

F-Prot: Antivirus Found nothing

Fortinet: Found nothing

Kaspersky: Anti-Virus Found nothing

NOD32: Found nothing

Norman Virus Control: Found nothing

UNA: Found nothing

VBA32: Found nothing

With that said, I can definitely say the following.

Results: BitDefender has given a false positive.

Really ... so it's a anti-virus problem ... very strange, with the previous version everything it's fine, i'll keep use it, maybe in the next version the problem it's solved.

Thanks anyway :rolleyes:



I have reported a detailed log to MrG, he will probably have to contact the makers of BitDefender. It may be a few releases before this problem is fixed.

Well, if you are like me, and was testing BitDefender with CCleaner.exe. It may no longer work.

You will receive an error.

"The device attached to the system is no longer working."

The error will be something along them lines.

Here is a quick and simple fix.

Right Click on the BitDefender Tray Icon.

Disable Virus Shield

Open CCleaner and then close it

Now Enable Virus Shield

It should be fixed now.

Only the latest Version of The cccleaner was corrupt.

After download and install a V1.22.142, Bit-defender V9 not found a virus in the CCleaner.exe

Only the latest Version of The cccleaner was corrupt.

After download and install a V1.22.142, Bit-defender V9 not found a virus in the CCleaner.exe

It was not so much that CCleaner was corrupt, as stated by others in this thread, it was a false positive by Bit-Defender, as Tarun pointed out only 1 in 14 Anti-Virus programs found a problem.

The false positive has been fixed. Update your antivirus program.