CCleaner error: No mapping between account names and security IDs was done


Just came to this forum to post about a new error I’m getting on all my PC’s since updating to the newer versions of CCleaner. I get a message that says “No mapping between account names and security IDs was done” when I try to enable the “Skip UAC control warning” setting. I didn’t get this error in older versions. So far the only solution I seem to have found is to reinstall an older version, enable the checkbox, then update to the latest version. (I’m using 4.19 and 5.04, for reference) Any ideas? Problem seems to be consistent across all my PC’s. Thanks!

PS - sorry if I already posted this somewhere else, I'm new to the forum and couldn't find my original post. Thanks! :)

I deleted the other post (which was the same as this one)

Welcome to the forum by the way :)

I have noticed the same problem since version 5.04. Just installed 5.05 and it's still a problem. Installing an older v4 version 'resolves' the problem by correctly creating the required scheduled task. However, once v5.04 or v5.05 is installed, unchecking/checking the Skip User Account Control warning checkbox will result in the error again. Two things occur as a result of this bug: The 'SkipUAC' line in CCleaner.ini (if you're using an INI file) is changed from '1' to '0', and the required scheduled task is deleted. This appears to be a bug in CCleaner, but there is a manual workaround (I've also attached a .txt file in case the formatting below isn't friendly):

1. If you're using an INI file to store settings, edit CCleaner.ini and manually change SkipUAC=1

2. Manually recreate a scheduled task in the Task Scheduler Library:

- Right-click, Create New Task

 - General tab

      - Name: CCleanerSkipUAC

      - Select Run only when user is logged on

      - Check Run with highest privileges

      - Configure for: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2

 - Actions tab

      - Start a program

           - Program/script: "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe"

           - Add arguments: $(Arg0)

 - Conditions tab

      - Check Stop if the computer ceases to be idle

 - Settings tab

      - Check Allow task to be run on demand

      - Check Stop the task if it runs longer than: 3 days

      - Check If the running task does not end when requested, force...

      - If the task is already running...Do not start a new instance</p>

CCleaner scheduled task.txt

I can confirm this bug!

I've also solved installing 4.X version and then updating to 5.06.