Browsers and ver.? Internet ex. 6 and firefox
Security software and ver? McAfee Serurity center
How about doing a system restore?, might not want to borther
I'm not up on the latest CCleaner bugs, but a system restore isn't a bad idea. Did you happen to install any new programs or change anything on your pc when the problem started? Is everything else on your pc running okay? Also, what version of java are you running?
Why are you running IE6, and not 7? It makes me wonder if you"re installing windows updates.
Good News!!! Seems like everytime I suggest a visit to MS update,people get upset.
They come back and say that didn't help at all.
They reboot and get the new software loaded and say "Don't no why but the problem fixed itself!!!"
Most of the time ,from what I have seen, when users get that message you had it indicates the presence of old software or lack of new software.I think some people don't pay attention to the fact that Piriform downloads some new software from MS and they forget to reboot before trying the new version of Piriform product.
Regarding IE6 vs IE7,I have had less problems with IE7 than IE6.
Regarding System Restore that's the next to last thing I want tell someone to do.
I encountered the same problem when I upgrade CCleaner from the old version to the new version. and that's where the problem comes from, I had to uninstall the old one before installing the new one.
I hope this will help
Why am I getting this error and how not to see it again? It is:
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access