CCleaner erasing disk space.

Hi,I ran Ccleaner's 'Free Space Wipe' option and after it finished wiping i found a large file called '78f30f3d33620e6672' in 'Local Disk (C:)' and my Hard Disk space is going down by 1 GB a day,Are these Ccleaner's 'Dummy Files' and Can this be fixed? thanks.

Have you rebooted yet?

I last used Ccleaner's overwrite function in January and I did not reboot and when I tried deleting the file yesterday it wouldn't let me,i have used ccleaner's overwrite function before and it let me delete it or it deleted itself.

. . . tried deleting the file yesterday it wouldn't let me . . .

Unlocker will delete most locked files.

Which Operating System are you on RT?

I ask because every time I've tested the WFS feature on my XP system the large temp file or files have been deleted.

And that includes every time I've deliberately interrupted the process. I'm wondering why some folk are having it left behind, especially as you say it finished wiping?

and my Hard Disk space is going down by 1 GB a day

You're having a loss of 1GB of disk space every day and you're not running WFS every day?

No,i'm not running WFS every day and operation system is Windows 7 Ultimate.

You must delete that temp file

You didn't say if you had rebootd yet. If you reboot it could unlock the file and let you delete it.

Ok,it seems that i got all my space back but its starting to go down again,i'll delete the file,thanks.

... but its starting to go down again

If you keep on losing disk space something else is at work.

This is not the simple creating of Restore Points by the system is it? Running WFS may have caused Restore Points to be deleted and Windows is making new ones?

Ah,Yes that was it,I just checked and windows made some restore points and i deleted some and got my disk space back,thanks!

When i try delete this file it said it is being used in SYSTEM,should i still delete it or is it risky?

those files are fine to delete, they are usually the result of a Windows Update or software install.

as you have found, they are also usually hard to delete due to their security policy and ownership settings.

using Unlocker is quicker than going into the advanced security properties and changing the permissions yourself.

those files are fine to delete, they are usually the result of a Windows Update or software install.

as you have found, they are also usually hard to delete due to their security policy and ownership settings.

using Unlocker is quicker than going into the advanced security properties and changing the permissions yourself.

Ah,Thank you.

It was actually a couple of trojans that came with some software eating my space,i deleted them with spybot and uninstalled the software but now i ran registry cleaner and it found ''Unused file extention .c HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/FileExts.c'',should i fix this or will it bring the virus back?,thanks.

If you had malware on your computer, and it may have been eating your free space, then it isn't possible for us to ascertain as to how serious it was, or comment on whether your actions were enough.

I strongly suggest you visit one of the malware removal forums listed in Forum Rule #10 here ...

... where they have trained experts who will check out your computer properly, and for free. None of us are sufficiently qualified to do that and wrong advice could have damaging consequences for you.

Thanks for the link!

It seems that it was 78 viruses eating the space,i got rid of them all with malware bytes but they have appeared as obsolete software extentions in Ccleaner's registry cleaner,how can i make them go away?

Only way to be sure you're rid of your malware is get help on one of the forums Dennis linked.

If you did that they can help with removal of leftovers. If you didn't, you probably should.

Those malware experts have much experience, can best advise you what to keep & what to lose.

Ok thanks :)

Yes, I'll second login's advice.

Malware can do a lot of things, including downloading more of their malignant friends and even laying dormant on your computer until some later time.

It may look daunting approaching a Malware Removal forum, but once under way those guys guide you carefully through every single step.