Every time I run CCleaner, I have to registrer my Registry Mechanic Programe new, as I get the message, I'm not registrated. I tried to turn it off, but I don't know, which box to untick. I'd be grateful for help.
Every time I run CCleaner, I have to registrer my Registry Mechanic Programe new, as I get the message, I'm not registrated. I tried to turn it off, but I don't know, which box to untick. I'd be grateful for help.
Hello cursty,
The links below will help you avoid some of these problems.
If Registry Mechanic shows on the Applications tab which it should then first try unticking that also.
Some "Cookies" may hold some information also or "Flash Cookies" which will be cleaned if you don't turn off Macromedia or Adobe Flash Player on the Applications tab.
Good luck to you,
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CCleaners Beginners advice
Start here with this link and follow its advice.
Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.
Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.
P.S. It maybe that someone with your version of Registry Mechanic knows exactly where that "registration" information is kept. Can you tell us what version you are using ?
If you don't see Registry Mechanic listed on your Applications tab then you need to put a copy of the latest winapp2.ini file into your C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.
Get that file from this link at the bottom.
Hi cursty, I'm using Registry Mechanic, and CCleaner doesn't erase my registration details, and it's strange why it's removing yours.
However, computers are weird, and this may help. My reg details are held in a registry key, as below:
Navigate to the highlighted registry address. Start > Run > type in "regedit" (no quotes) > navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Search Assistant\ACMru\5603 (the number may be different, not sure).
If your details are there, in regedits menu select "Edit > Copy key name" (just left click the "copy key name").
Now open CCleaner and navigate to "Options > Exclude > Add Registry".
In the small box of the address bar, select HKCU from the drop down menu.
Now, right click in the address bar and select paste.
After you've pasted the address you will have to delete the hive name ie "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\" from the beginning of the pasted address as it's already selected in the first box.
The "OK" button should now become active. Select it, and your done.
See if that does the trick and come back and let us know.
Hi cursty, I'm using Registry Mechanic, and CCleaner doesn't erase my registration details, and it's strange why it's removing yours.
However, computers are weird, and this may help. My reg details are held in a registry key, as below:
Navigate to the highlighted registry address. Start > Run > type in "regedit" (no quotes) > navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Search Assistant\ACMru\5603 (the number may be different, not sure).
If your details are there, in regedits menu select "Edit > Copy key name" (just left click the "copy key name").
Now open CCleaner and navigate to "Options > Exclude > Add Registry".
In the small box of the address bar, select HKCU from the drop down menu.
Now, right click in the address bar and select paste.
After you've pasted the address you will have to delete the hive name ie "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\" from the beginning of the pasted address as it's already selected in the first box.
The "OK" button should now become active. Select it, and your done.
See if that does the trick and come back and let us know.
thanks for everyones help so quickly, I have just started the first suggestion and I will let you know, which one worked.
Have a nice weekend, everybody........
ok, <I did follow th path and I got down to : ACMru and 5603, but then there just 3 lines on the right opening, saying
Standard REG_SZ (Wert nicht gesetzt) menaing: nothing set
000 REG_SZ Christiane (my Name)
001 REG_SZ 2216
whatever that means
thanks for everyones help so quickly, I have just started the first suggestion and I will let you know, which one worked.Have a nice weekend, everybody........
ok, <I did follow th path and I got down to : ACMru and 5603, but then there just 3 lines on the right opening, saying
Standard REG_SZ (Wert nicht gesetzt) menaing: nothing set
000 REG_SZ Christiane (my Name)
001 REG_SZ 2216
whatever that means
well, the "ok" Button appeared finally, tried it out, but unfortunately it still kicks the registration
OK cursty, that wasn't the one then. I've done another search, and found another entry which refers to Registry Mechanics "Subscription".
We'll give this one a try. You can remove the first one from CCleaner if you like.
Navigate to this key and do the same as above:
That folder contains a few sub-folders, including a "subscription" folder, but I'd suggest just highlighting the "PCTools" folder and then copy the key.
If that doesn't work, there aren't any more relevant entries, and we'll have to look at something else. I'm still puzzled why CCleaner's removing your details, but no matter, let us know how it goes.