It seems that someone is now peddling an application that installs winapp2.ini on your computer. (The download page is currently down.)
It seems that someone is now peddling an application that installs winapp2.ini on your computer. (The download page is currently down.)
That must be related to the athor thewebatom,
that is a member of this forum,
unluckily now the server is down
This was already posted in the software forums. Though if TheWebAtom sees this post, could you please seperate the pidgin icons from the pidgin logs in the 'enhancer?' I was in the middle of requesting this on your website when it was taken down.
I guys
I would be happy to comply with all requests by piriform people, unfortunately my host has suspended my site due to a HUGE spike in traffic.
I don't know where to discuss this - here, or in the Software forum. So let me do it here, since I started this topic.
I think that this application is a stupid idea! Some questions I have:
Users who have manually downloaded the winapp2.ini file know that they have it, and they take responsibility to update the file when changes become available. This is not an automatic process, and I remember I have been sitting for almost a year on an old winapp2.ini file before noticing the updates.
I think if someone is to develop an application concerning winapp2.ini, they must consider the update aspect of it. Otherwise users will install winapp2.ini on their system, and forever sit on that version.
Personally I think CCleaner itself should think of a mechanism to check for old winapp2.ini files. But then some users (like me) have user-modified versions of the winapp2.ini file.
A difficult subject, altogether!
Well the update function of ccleaner could handle it self in a similar fasion to Curse Client (online game addon manager) where it logs your version and the new version, and if you modify your version you get a warning that says "updating may remove any changes you may have made to this" blah blah
The idea was to have something that can update WinApp2.ini automatically, that feature was almost ready.
Basically each new WinApp2.ini file was assigned a number, on startup the tool would check if the version on the net had a bigger number and prompt the user to download it.
Funny when I posted this in the software forum Mr G removed the link because he said the app was an illegal repackaging.
Funny when I posted this in the software forum Mr G removed the link because he said the app was an illegal repackaging.
And for that reason I'll have to remove the link from this one, and close the thread.
Sorry chaps.