Opera stable 30.0.1835.59
CCleaner 5.06.5219
Win 8.1 Pro x64
The subject says all.
Opera stable 30.0.1835.59
CCleaner 5.06.5219
Win 8.1 Pro x64
The subject says all.
Even though you have native support for cleaning of the sessions, it doesn't work.
I have temporarily created this custom rule to clean it.
"C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Current Session"
Thanks for reporting this. Will look into it.
Also experiencing this behavior:
Opera 30.0.1835.59 Stable
OS: Win 8.1 64 bit
CCleaner 5.06.5219 64 bit
Cannot close Opera to clean it, even though Opera has been closed and task manager shows no instance of active state.
Is this a known issue and is there a bug fix in the works?
Also experiencing this behavior:
Opera 30.0.1835.59 Stable
OS: Win 8.1 64 bit
CCleaner 5.06.5219 64 bit
Cannot close Opera to clean it, even though Opera has been closed and task manager shows no instance of active state.
Is this a known issue and is there a bug fix in the works?
Not the same issue, something is still running an opera or opera based software, be sure you are checking the details tab of task manager and that it is showing processes for all users.
This bug isn't solved in v5.07 yet.