I installed the latest version of CCleaner (1.22.142) on a freshly installed Windows XP Pro machine, together with eMule (0.46c).
I just noticed that my search history is not cleaned after i run CCleaner.
Does anybody have the same problem?
I installed the latest version of CCleaner (1.22.142) on a freshly installed Windows XP Pro machine, together with eMule (0.46c).
I just noticed that my search history is not cleaned after i run CCleaner.
Does anybody have the same problem?
To clean the emule history etc you have to have emule installed in its default directory i.e. ProgramFiles\eMule or it will not be cleaned. If you do not have emule installed in its default directory post the address of the directory you do have it installed and I'll change the address so you can insert it into winapp2.
I have the same problem. I'm from Argentina.
englishmen, i have it installed in C:\Archivos de programa\Emule
Please help me!
hi there stanley and welcome to Ccleaner.
does it clean other programs in the programs folder?
also, do you have the same language version of Ccleaner?
I believe this:
[eMule (Search History)] LangSecRef=3022 Detect=HKCU\Software\eMule Default=True FileKey1=%Archivosdeprograma%\eMule\config|AC_SearchStrings.dat
is correct for stanley's winapp2. Might want to have another person validate it first though.
Make sure you download a winapp2, don't change the original.
hi there stanley and welcome to Ccleaner.
does it clean other programs in the programs folder?
also, do you have the same language version of Ccleaner?
That was useless
and, what is emule? a very wierd name for a mule.
and, what is emule? a very wierd name for a mule.
I don't really like eMule. <3 uTorrent
C'mon guys, stay on topic please.
stanley, has your issue been resolved or are you still experiencing a problem with it?
Still experiencing the problem...
Have you tried installing it in the default C:\Program Files\ directory?