A have some problem with start CCleaner, actually its didnt start, without any reason or erorr. And i saw same name of process only for 1-2 seconds, after its gone, and some process with name "COM Surrogate" only for 1-2 seconds too. So what is this?
some time ago I had this kind (perhaps the same) of problem.
it was only in windows task - not in "apps", but in the middle of "hintergrundprozesse" -"background processes" in english...?
Have you looked in Windows task manager to see if an instance of Ccleaner is already running?
Will it work in Windows safe mode?
As I said in the first post, apps doesnt start, but the process appeared in windows task manager for 1 second, with name of app, and another process "COM Surrogate" for the same time and disappeared.
And many of my friends faced with same problem, CCleaner stopped launched, without any reason