CCleaner doesent work

A have some problem with start CCleaner, actually its didnt start, without any reason or erorr. And i saw same name of process only for 1-2 seconds, after its gone, and some process with name "COM Surrogate" only for 1-2 seconds too. So what is this?

P.S. Sorry for bad english

What operating system do you have ?

Is this a new Ccleaner install?

What operating system do you have ?

Is this a new Ccleaner install?

Windows 8.1, Ccleaner 5.04

Did you have Ccleaner already installed when you downloaded 5.04?

Did you download it from here?

Have you tried the slim build?

Yeap, for all questions

Is monitoring on in ccleaner's settings?

Also is ccleaner hiding in the system tray (bottom right of windows taskbar)

Is monitoring on in ccleaner's settings? Also is ccleaner hiding in the system tray (bottom right of windows taskbar)

Its not hiding, its not starting

Have you looked in Windows task manager to see if an instance of Ccleaner is already running?

Will it work in Windows safe mode?

some time ago I had this kind (perhaps the same) of problem.

it was only in windows task - not in "apps", but in the middle of "hintergrundprozesse" -"background processes" in english...?

some time ago I had this kind (perhaps the same) of problem.

it was only in windows task - not in "apps", but in the middle of "hintergrundprozesse" -"background processes" in english...?

Have you looked in Windows task manager to see if an instance of Ccleaner is already running?

Will it work in Windows safe mode?

As I said in the first post, apps doesnt start, but the process appeared in windows task manager for 1 second, with name of app, and another process "COM Surrogate" for the same time and disappeared.

And many of my friends faced with same problem, CCleaner stopped launched, without any reason

andrey can you tell me if Ccleaner runs in Windows safe mode please?

andrey can you tell me if Ccleaner runs in Windows safe mode please?

no, still doesnt runs

Does Ccleaner 5.03 work on the machine?

Is your anti-virus up to date and scans are clean?

If you disable your anti-virus and then try and run Ccleaner does it work? (don't forget to turn av back on !)

If you look inside the Ccleaner folder in Program Files can you see any crash dumps?

Does Ccleaner 5.03 work on the machine?

Is your anti-virus up to date and scans are clean?

If you disable your anti-virus and then try and run Ccleaner does it work? (don't forget to turn av back on !)

If you look inside the Ccleaner folder in Program Files can you see any crash dumps?

I tried all u said, still dosent work, av - Eset smart security 8, in ccleaner folder i dont saw any files with dumps

I found out, it was debugger system process, he blocked regedit,ccleaner, and avz. I just rename avz -> avuz for found and delete this "virus"

So are you saying that you had a virus ?

What is avz ?

Can you run ccleaner now ?

So are you saying that you had a virus ?

What is avz ?

Can you run ccleaner now ?

Actyally its not a virus, just debugger system process, avz - antivirus, ccleaner work now.