I have checked the documentation and have reviewed the settings numerous times and it appears correct (kind of hard to screw up a check box!). Still CCleaner does not start at boot up. It runs fine when started manually. I am running the free version.
Hazelnut, I am running Win 7 on a Dell studio 1535. I am running as an administrator.
CCleaner is in the startup list. C:\Program Files\ccleaner\ccleaner.exe /AUTO
I checked the Task Scheduler the path is C\Program Files\ccleaner\ccleaner.exe“$(arg0)
The properties of the task did not have any triggers and there was not much information about the task. See attachments. I hope I did not send too much stuff.
It's run in auto mode are you sure it's not just running faster than you can catch it (which according to the pictures you posted it is)? This can be tested by removing the /auto and seeing if ccleaner opens a window.
Nergal, I will test that. But when ccleaner runs from the desktop I have the option to 'analyze' and then 'run cleaner'? Does it just run the cleaner with the options I have checked then delete? I will let you know shortely. J
Interesting, usually I would remember to check the results 10 to 15 minutes after I had brought up FireFox and CCleaner would reports since startup. Of course there would be some files which led me to the conclusion that cleaner was not starting. After removing the '/AUTO' I saw CCleaner screen... now I understand what 'AUTO' means! Works fine
Nergal, I will test that. But when ccleaner runs from the desktop I have the option to 'analyze' and then 'run cleaner'? Does it just run the cleaner with the options I have checked then delete? I will let you know shortely. J
This is what the command line switch /auto does you can learn more about it in the documentation link in my signature, I believe it is in the advanced section of the document, but I'm mobile so am unsure and unable to check.