My system: Win 8.1 Prof - updates are up to date
When I use the "cleaner" function while firefox is off, the program stops with the message "Ccleaner does not function" and I have to finish the program.
When firefox is on, I am asked to finish the browser. In case of refusal the cleaning works fine, however without cleaning firefox.
Conclusion: Ccleaner has problems with firefox.
Please finde attached the error report.
What can I do?
December 4, 2014, 12:43pm
Can you change ccleaner language to English and try again?
Can you change ccleaner language to English and try again?
Does this mean new installation? Or is there a way to change language in existing installation?
Options...settings...and change language from drop down box at the top.
Options...settings...and change language from drop down box at the top.
But problem not solved with English.
So I am sure the developers will be looking into this.
Are you able to run ccleaner in debug mode and attach the log in a post here?
Sorry, I'm no expert!
Is this the correct path? If so, it does not work: <path to CCleaner> /[debug"C:\Programme\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe"]
I'm using the german version of W8.1
Does this work?
"C:\Programme Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /debug
Make sure you have the "
" C:\Programme Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /debug
Log files won't upload I'm afraid
Are you able to put the log in a zip file and upload? (right-click on log file and select send to compressed zip)
Do you mean the forum will not allow you to upload a zip file?
It does allow me but perhaps I have different permissions being a moderator.
Just remembered it should be a .txt file (which does upload)
The log file will be in this folder in the format: CCleaner_log[date].txt.
Just remembered it should be a .txt file (which does upload)
The file generated during the debug thing is called: CCleaner64_v5.00.5050_2014-12-04_17-08-19.log
No txt file!
And the zip file ends with .sqx
Can you try to rename it to .txt instead of .log
Well done origando
The devs will look at it.
Well done origando
The devs will look at it.
Hi, I'm still waiting for a solution. The switch to English did not solve the problem.