CCleaner does not free up space

I ran CCleaner and it said it "cleaned" over 400MB

but checking my hard drive there is no additional free space

did CCleaner acrually delete the files or are they sitting somewhere else?

Hi milesra, and welcome to the forum.

First thought, how big is your hard drive?

400mb isn't a huge amount of space by the standards of drives these days, and may not even register in your drives "properties".

Second thought? I ain't got one yet. And don't take this personal, but I'm not a big fan of "angry" smileys from people looking for advice.

But that's just me.


that must be it. but i had 62.1G free space before running CCleaner and now I have 61.4G free space after CCleaner. Not a big deal - curious more than anything.

thanks for the advice on the smiley's - I'm a newbie :)

that must be it. but i had 62.1G free space before running CCleaner and now I have 61.4G free space after CCleaner. Not a big deal - curious more than anything.

thanks for the advice on the smiley's - I'm a newbie :)

No worries, I hope you stick around and you won't be a newbie for long.

There's a whole lot of stuff to be learned on here. Your drive readings may settle down after a short while, or one of the other guys may have a better suggestion.


Just a thought...

perhaps the system saved a new System Restore Point between the two used space checks?

Also the hibernate feature can take some space without give any advice, if enabled.


Keeping Defraggler open while CCleaner is working, i can see the free disk space increasing in real time, here.
