CCleaner does not delete WindowsMediaPlayer recently played file log


CCleaner does not delete WindowsMediaPlayer recently played file log:

C:\Documents and Settings\(user)\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player\ActivePlaylist.dat

I've been using Window Washer which also does not delete this file. I heard of CCleaner so I dloaded it to see if it did this just as a test. Both claim to clean Media Player MRU's by default but neither get this file. Anyone can simply open the above plaintext file in a text editor eg. Notepad. The program _is not_ (smart)wife-proof!!!

Otherwise CCleaner looks good. But I think this should be addressed as most people assume that Media Players records are cleaned as the program's webpage states:

"Removes temp files and recent file lists (MRUs) from many apps including Media Player........"

User could set a custom clean for this file but I think it should be default considering above claim.


Yeah, I actually have noticed this.

CCleaner does not delete the MRU of Windows Media Player. However Ad-Aware does...

Azabov - You might want to give CleanCache a look ( ) - I just checked your indicated location and it's completely empty. (I run CleanCache and CCleaner daily, prior to Eraser "free-space wipes).

Note that CleanCache requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 to work, though. Pete

im looking for another cleaner like CC.

anyone have input on how safe cleancache is?

CleanCache doesnt even show what files its deleting

im looking for another cleaner like CC.

anyone have input on how safe cleancache is?

I've used CleanCache 2.x regularly for over a year with no problems. I prefer the way it handles cookies and a couple of other issues. I don't use the current 3.x series only because it adds features I don't need.