CCleaner does not delete WindowsMediaPlayer recently played file log:
C:\Documents and Settings\(user)\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player\ActivePlaylist.dat
I've been using Window Washer which also does not delete this file. I heard of CCleaner so I dloaded it to see if it did this just as a test. Both claim to clean Media Player MRU's by default but neither get this file. Anyone can simply open the above plaintext file in a text editor eg. Notepad. The program _is not_ (smart)wife-proof!!!
Otherwise CCleaner looks good. But I think this should be addressed as most people assume that Media Players records are cleaned as the program's webpage states:
"Removes temp files and recent file lists (MRUs) from many apps including Media Player........"
User could set a custom clean for this file but I think it should be default considering above claim.
Azabov - You might want to give CleanCache a look ( ) - I just checked your indicated location and it's completely empty. (I run CleanCache and CCleaner daily, prior to Eraser "free-space wipes).
Note that CleanCache requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 to work, though. Pete
I've used CleanCache 2.x regularly for over a year with no problems. I prefer the way it handles cookies and a couple of other issues. I don't use the current 3.x series only because it adds features I don't need.