CCleaner does not clean its own cache! and uses old and wrong info!


CCleaner is report IrfanView is outdated.

Update was done, version 4.58 is running, but CCleaner still reports the old version....


Version running IrfanView is really 4,58, so please not store or keep the old info!



CCleaner doesn't keep a cache, the updater checks each time what version Windows says is on your machine and compares that to what is listed as the latest on the server database.

My CCleaner reports Irfanview as up to date at 4.58


Is yours still reporting it wrongly?

It does keep *something.* It remembers the last settings used for Duplicate Finder.

If not "cache", what would be the correct terminology, please?

CCleaners settings are saved either:

  1. In the ccleaner.ini file if you have enabled Options>Advanced "Save all settings to INI file", this is saved in the same folder as the main CCleaner programme,
  2. and/or in the Windows Registry.

If you turn on "Save all settings to INI file" then CCleaner will update that file whenever you change a setting and each time you close CCleaner.

You wouldn't normally want to clear CCleaners own settings, you want it to remember your preferences.

You can change them at anytime and CCleaner/Windows Registry will remember the changes.

However if you do want to set CCleaner back to defaults then you can delete the .ini file, and or uninstall/reinstall CCleaner.

TIP- Turn saving to an INI on and make a manual backup of your INI file so that you can restore your settings if lost unintentionally.

(Or intentionally - when answering questions here I'll often set CCleaner back to default, and then later restore my own settings from an INI backup).

You can make a copy/paste backup to a different directory, or make a copy in the CCleaner directory and rename it. (or do both to make sure).

You can see here my renamed ini backup in the main CCleaner folder, I Iast backed it up in February but it's the same as my current settings from today which you can see lower down (I also have another copy of the backup in my documents folder).
