Whilst having a brew, or two. I chanced upon CC donation, so to avoid damnation, I sent you a pound or two. Came to computers late in life. This program is the easiest to use I have ever seen. I use it after doing financial work at home. Run it several times per day along with Solway, Iolo and others. In the last 4 years I have never had a virus, or any other bug. It has taught me more about how to operate my OS than any other program. If I can see a file I can figure out its meaning. Thanks, Mo(redneck)
Thanks for the donation and welcome to the Forums!
If you are unsure of what all CCleaner does. Be sure to check out the Beginner's Guide.
Please note CCleaner is not an antivirus/firewall/antispyware just a junk remover, an awesome one at that.