Although I have no say in what CCleaner looks like, etc., this is a design concept I whipped together whilst playing about in MS Paint attempting to combine the look of with CCleaner the application.
What does everyone think?
Although I have no say in what CCleaner looks like, etc., this is a design concept I whipped together whilst playing about in MS Paint attempting to combine the look of with CCleaner the application.
What does everyone think?
All you need now is new icons for the Cleaner, Issues, Tools and Options.
Looks really good dude, nice job.
I like it. Good Job!
Thank you, both of you!
All you need now is new icons for the Cleaner, Issues, Tools and Options.
MrG could use icons from Iconaholic (formerly FOOODS) if he asked for permission, or even some other icon site if they allow it! I surely can't do it because the icons I make always end up looking like total crap, changing a GUI is another thing though as I only spent about 40 minutes on the conceptual image above.
You are good at making graphics.
But honestly, I hate it heh, no skins please. I think it is great with just a light-weight normal Windows interface, no thanks to skinned interfaces and bloat.
It would be a disappointment of CCleaner came with *any* skin.
Everyone has their opinion, and it's well appreciated. I myself am not into bloated skins in applications or being a separate loadable resource - hence the reason I always used the default Winamp skin from v2 to v5 that is up until I ditched Winamp completely, and it's why Ad-Aware and Spybot SD on my system use the default theme.
I'm no programmer however I think the only graphic to add would be the logo and of course the icons which in reality wouldn't add that much KB to the .exe because they'd have to be 256 colour for older OSes without good display cards. The other colours (light blue, or whatever it is) can be done via the code in the application - I think.
Anyways this is just wishful thinking and only a concept or dream if you will and was done for the fun of it, and since I was bored silly.
I kinda like it but the top section is too bulky and bloated for my liking. Reduce the size of the CCleaner logo a bit and remove the links and it'd be spot on (IMHO)
You are good at making graphics.
It's called Copy+Paste+Blend. No real skills involved other than patience.
I kinda like it but the top section is too bulky and bloated for my liking. Reduce the size of the CCleaner logo a bit and remove the links and it'd be spot on (IMHO)
Actually I was trying to think of something to put in the big blank upper right area but couldn't think of anything. Yeah the logo is fat.
I'd like to see some other people post conceptual images of their own. Let's have fun with it.
It's called Copy+Paste+Blend. No real skills involved other than patience.
Well, it probably is better than I could do.
I am not a graphics person, heh.
I said it because I did not want to offend you by thinking that it is horrible or something. I just hate the concept of skins.
I like to keep things simple, small and unified.
i like it personally. still pretty simple, but just a bit of look to make it more fun to look at. good job!
I said it because I did not want to offend you by thinking that it is horrible or something.
Even if you said it looked like week old dog poop I would have laughed - because I would've expected it from you, you're too predictable dude! It wouldn't have upset me at all.
Even if you said it looked like week old dog poop I would have laughed - because I would've expected it from you, you're too predictable dude! It wouldn't have upset me at all.
nice one Andavari
I really like it Andavari. Good job. It's my favorite! It looks like an improvement to me.