CCleaner delets cookies though I have the box unchecked!

Hi all.

1st time poster in the at least 10 yrs I've been using CCleaner because this time, I'm stumped!

I've been reading the countless posts about it not deleting cookies, yet after I run "Run Cleaner", & I only have "Temporary Internet Files" checked, I find all of my message forums & other sites that require a user name & PW to log on have been wiped & I have to relog in to them all, which is painful as there are many, some of which require phone validation (banking & other sites as such).

Any ideas as to why this is happening?

I now have Win 8.1, but had noticed it even as far back as Win 7 before I upgraded to Win 8.

I also always use the latest version of CC.


Make sure that you've unselected Cookies under Chrome, Firefox (or any other browsers you may be using other than IE) and untick Adobe Flash Player as it will delete flash cookies.

Also make sure protected mode on ie is turned off for internet zone as some cookies are being stored in another location (which I think is the temporary files for the user) with that setting on