CCleaner deleting only a fraction of reported files?

Have happily used CCleaner for years.

Lately, when I "analyze" for files to be removed, CCleaner will report, for instance, 236MB, but when I run cleaner, it says 38MB removed. If I re-run it, it shows that files have been cleaned.

These large disparities are turning up quite frequently nowadays. Am I missing something?


OS version?

CC version?

last time you upgraded CC?

options used? e.g. do you include/exclude restore points, hibernation file, VSS, temp file older than 24 hours?

other programs running at the same time?

more info = more help. :)

Have you closed your browser before cleaning? Which browser are you using?

Thanks, guys! I just downloaded the most recent free version, v4.01.4093 (64 bit), though I only recently did so after having replaced Windows 7 hard drive just 3 weeks ago.

Like others, I was confused by the "update" page, and possibly did not find the right free version before, though this has never happened in all the years I've been using CC.

I just ran the cleaner, 7 passes, and it deleted all 14MB that were reported. Will get back with more details if the problem happens again.

Thanks for "being there"!!!
