Ccleaner deletes watchlist entries in MSN Money

On running CCleaner Professional on my Windows 10 pc all previously entered stock values on my watchlist in the MSN Money app are deleted and I have to re-enter them again manually which is a pain. How do I prevent CCleaner from doing this

Are you using Health Check or Custom Clean?

You can't change what Health Check cleans as standard, but can change what Custom Clean does.

You can set Custom Clean to be your default screen by changing Options>Settings>CCleaner Home Screen.

Once using Custom Clean you have to find the files associated with the app and 'Exclude' them.

In CCleaner set Options>Advanced to show the File List rather than the Advanced Report

In Custom Clean right click each of the entries that you currently have ticked and 'Analyze' from the popup menu.

Then look at the files found for anything obviously related to the app.

When you see a file that is obviously related right click on it and 'Add to Exclude list'.

Go through them all one -by one (except the browsers) because there may be related files in more than one category.

(You can do all the ticked categories at once by using the big blue 'Ananyze' button, that would include the browsers and could give a lot of files to look through at once though).

Once Excluded Custom Clean will leave those files alone. (Health Check will still clean them).

many thanks nukecad. That was most helpful