CCleaner deletes Userids and passwords

I have XP SP3,IE7.

I've had many problems with CCleaner deleting my Userids and passwords.

I tried unchecking Windows/Internet Explorer/cookies, Windows/Internet Explorer/Autocomplete Form History and Applications/Multimedia/Adobe Flash player. But my Userids and passwords still kept being deleting.

I tried unchecking other options and finally found that unchecking Windows/Internet Explorer/delete Index.dat files solved the problem.

I'm passing this along in case other people have the same problem.

Hi GMO8,

Welcome to the forums !!! :D

Thank you for this report.

I find it very interesting for several reasons.

What are these sites that you are referring to?

Did you happen to use IE8 at "any" time?

Do you use or have you used other Browsers?

:) davey

Hi GMO8,

Welcome to the forums !!! :D

Thank you for this report.

I find it very interesting for several reasons.

What are these sites that you are referring to?

Did you happen to use IE8 at "any" time?

Do you use or have you used other Browsers?

:) davey

I've never used IE8 at any time.

I've never used any other browser.

I'm not sure what you mean by "these sites that you are referring to?".

I've never used IE8 at any time.

I've never used any other browser.

I'm not sure what you mean by "these sites that you are referring to?".

Hi GMO8,

Thanks for the answers.

The Web sites I refer to are the one's related to this statement from your first post.

But my Userids and passwords still kept being deleting.
:) davey

In IE7 > Internet Options > Content Tab > Under AutoComplete > Settings > Have you checked the appropriate options?

Plus, do you have any other Cleaner?

If you mean which websites that I lose my passwords and Userids, it's all of them.

In IE7 > Internet Options > Content Tab > Under AutoComplete > Settings > Have you checked the appropriate options?

Plus, do you have any other Cleaner?

For IE7, Autocomplete, I have User names and passwords checked. In fact I have all 3 options checked on that page. The only one I don't have checked is to 'Prompt to save passwords'.

I do not use any other Cleaner.

For CCleaner when I include Index.dat to be cleaned, I lose all my userids and passwords. When I re-set them and then immediately run CCleaner excluding Index.dat, then my passwords and Userids are not wiped out. Index.dat is the only thing that I change.

For IE7, Autocomplete, I have User names and passwords checked. In fact I have all 3 options checked on that page. The only one I don't have checked is to 'Prompt to save passwords'.

Hello GMO8,

In IE7 Autocomplete could you turn on "Prompt to save passwords" ? Most users set this ON.

If you don't have this option set ON then when you enter your Userid and password they will not be saved since you are not prompted to save them. If the option is not ON then it may be that the UserID and password are only saved in the index.dat file and IE7 can only find them there.

As you can see,I believe what you are saying about unchecking Windows/Internet Explorer/delete Index.dat files solved the problem.

The reason I am interested to get more information is that you are one of a very few that have this problem when only using IE7.

Many IE8 Beta2 users have a similar problem and we found that UNCHECKING Windows/Internet Explorer/delete Index.dat files solved the problem.

Something in IE8 Beta2 is causing CCleaner to delete the "Cookies" index.dat file which has not happened to most IE7 users even when they have the option ON to Delete index.dat files.

This thread is related.

I am still trying to figure out why this occurs for only a few Internet Explorer 7 users. It may be as simple as not having the "Prompt to save passwords" option set. I am not sure about this.

Could you tell me exactly where your "cookies" file is located ? I use WinXP Pro SP3, IE7 also.

Mine is at C:\Documents and Settings\MYNAME\Cookies .

Mine contains only "cookies" .txt files and 1 index.dat file .

Does yours contain any other files ?

If you turn the option ON then Analyze,do you see a line like this after the cookies to be deleted list ?

Marked for deletion: C:\Documents and Settings\MYNAME\Cookies\index.dat . I never see this but IE8 Beta2 users do depending on the option setting. I realize that here we are talking about "cookies" but it may be related or not.

I appreciate all your help, :) davey

Hello GMO8,

In IE7 Autocomplete could you turn on "Prompt to save passwords" ? Most users set this ON.

If you don't have this option set ON then when you enter your Userid and password they will not be saved since you are not prompted to save them. If the option is not ON then it may be that the UserID and password are only saved in the index.dat file and IE7 can only find them there.

As you can see,I believe what you are saying about unchecking Windows/Internet Explorer/delete Index.dat files solved the problem.

The reason I am interested to get more information is that you are one of a very few that have this problem when only using IE7.

Many IE8 Beta2 users have a similar problem and we found that UNCHECKING Windows/Internet Explorer/delete Index.dat files solved the problem.

Something in IE8 Beta2 is causing CCleaner to delete the "Cookies" index.dat file which has not happened to most IE7 users even when they have the option ON to Delete index.dat files.

This thread is related.

I am still trying to figure out why this occurs for only a few Internet Explorer 7 users. It may be as simple as not having the "Prompt to save passwords" option set. I am not sure about this.

Could you tell me exactly where your "cookies" file is located ? I use WinXP Pro SP3, IE7 also.

Mine is at C:\Documents and Settings\MYNAME\Cookies .

Mine contains only "cookies" .txt files and 1 index.dat file .

Does yours contain any other files ?

If you turn the option ON then Analyze,do you see a line like this after the cookies to be deleted list ?

Marked for deletion: C:\Documents and Settings\MYNAME\Cookies\index.dat . I never see this but IE8 Beta2 users do depending on the option setting. I realize that here we are talking about "cookies" but it may be related or not.

I appreciate all your help, :) davey

I have 2 cookies folders:

C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Cookies



Neither actually have a any cookies in them. The only file in them both is Index.dat.

There doesn't seem to be much that I can see inside the Index.dat files.

I've set the 'Prompt to save passwords' on i.e. checked.

Hello GMO8,

Also be sure you or any other user of your account does not use these cleaning options. If not then you will lose all your saved cookies, or IE saved passwords or all your IE saved data.


And be sure that this option is unchecked on the Advanced tab of Internet Options. If this option is checked then all IE data except cookies will be deleted when you exit Internet Explorer. CCleaner will have no chance to clean or "secure delete" this data.


If you only have one user account on your PC, then I recommend that you create one more account with administrator privileges and a password. This will be handy if your user profile gets corrupted. You will be able to log-in on the other account and fix things.

:) davey

Hello GMO8,

Also be sure you or any other user of your account does not use these cleaning options. If not then you will lose all your saved cookies, or IE saved passwords or all your IE saved data.


And be sure that this option is unchecked on the Advanced tab of Internet Options. If this option is checked then all IE data except cookies will be deleted when you exit Internet Explorer. CCleaner will have no chance to clean or "secure delete" this data.


If you only have one user account on your PC, then I recommend that you create one more account with administrator privileges and a password. This will be handy if your user profile gets corrupted. You will be able to log-in on the other account and fix things.

:) davey

I am not sure of protocol in this Forum. I have a very similar problem using Internet Explorer 7 and Windows XP. Do I need to open a new thread?

Every time I run CCleaner I lose the saved password for my BT Yahoo mailbox. I have checked out all your suggestions above nut there is no resolution of the issue. What next?

Hello GMO8,

Also be sure you or any other user of your account does not use these cleaning options. If not then you will lose all your saved cookies, or IE saved passwords or all your IE saved data.


And be sure that this option is unchecked on the Advanced tab of Internet Options. If this option is checked then all IE data except cookies will be deleted when you exit Internet Explorer. CCleaner will have no chance to clean or "secure delete" this data.


If you only have one user account on your PC, then I recommend that you create one more account with administrator privileges and a password. This will be handy if your user profile gets corrupted. You will be able to log-in on the other account and fix things.

:) davey

I'm the only user on this account and I don't use the Internet Explorer 7 options to delete cookies etc., as you mentioned above.

As for the 2nd screen above that you mention, I don't have it checked.

But it wouldn't make any difference in this case because CCleaner deletes my passwords and Userids when I check the option to clean Index.dat on the CCleaner Internet screen but everything is ok (i.e. my passwords and Userids don't get deleted) if I leave the Index.dat option unchecked. So it must be that option (Index.dat) that is deleting my passwords and Userids.

I notice that the latest version of CCleaner has something about a bug with Index.dat being fixed. Does the bug fix relate to this problem?

Thanks and Happy New Year.