CCleaner deletes RoboFrom profile in Vista

Everytime I run CCleaner in Vista RC1 my roboform profile is deleted. Does anyone have a fix for this? Thanks!

You should probably hold off using CC with Win Vista until CC version 1.35 is release which should be relatively soon, as detailed in this thread.

Still a problem with the official release of Vista.

How can I keep it from clearing mt AI Roboform Data?

Where is the profile saved at?

Where is the profile saved at?

It is stored in the C:\Users\cheapherk\Documents\My Roboform Data folder (obviously, cheapherk is my username). I was surprised CCleaner totally wiped out the contents of the folder.

It is stored in the C:\Users\cheapherk\Documents\My Roboform Data folder (obviously, cheapherk is my username). I was surprised CCleaner totally wiped out the contents of the folder.

iam having the same problem and if you move the folder does the same thing

I suppose Roboform with CCleaner work fine on XP and your not using different Vista version of Roboform (if there is one)?

What are the file extensions, maybe CCleaner is picking on them.

Else ignore me and its just Vista bugs to be ironed out.

I suppose Roboform with CCleaner work fine on XP and your not using different Vista version of Roboform (if there is one)?

What are the file extensions, maybe CCleaner is picking on them.

Else ignore me and its just Vista bugs to be ironed out.

at the min there is no roboform for vista but roboform all works in vista

and yes worked ok in xp

extension is rfp

Thanks for trying to help

What are the file extensions, maybe CCleaner is picking on them.

The extensions are rft- the main ones, and there are a couple with rfo, bak. All these are in a folder called "Default Profile". If I'm not mistaken, this gets deleted too (but I don't want to test it).

I think I figured it out!

In the Issues menu, uncheck/deselect "Unused File Extentions". I ran it again after this and everything was still there.

I think I figured it out!

In the Issues menu, uncheck/deselect "Unused File Extentions". I ran it again after this and everything was still there.

just try that still delete mine sorry to say

but thanks for the help

just try that still delete mine sorry to say

but thanks for the help

I just ran it again. When I have the "Unused File Extentions" deselected, it doesn't delete anything in the folder. Weird... It dosen't make sense that it doesn't work for you. Has anyone else tried it?

I just ran it again. When I have the "Unused File Extentions" deselected, it doesn't delete anything in the folder. Weird... It dosen't make sense that it doesn't work for you. Has anyone else tried it?

just update to new roboform and tryed what you said and all works now so a big thanks for that

THANKS :rolleyes: