CCleaner deletes login details Dutch RABO Bank

My (Dutch) RABO bank offers the possibility to login using a 5 digit code; otherwise an electronic password device is used. However, every time CCleaner is used for clean-up, the 5 digit code is no longer operational. I made sure all cookies with the name RABO in it are protected. Any tips?

TIA, Lou

When you state you "protected" the cookies did you configure that in CCleaner, or was it something else you did?

To configure CCleaner so that it stops deleting them do the following as detailed in the help documentation, then test it to make sure it works:

I would ask your bank where this information is stored, it may not be in a cookie - or if it is it may not be named 'RADO' for security.

Of course as it's a security code then they may not want to tell people where it's being stored.

PS. Some sites, especially banks, do not let your browser auto-fill passwords/codes/etc. you have to manually enter them each time you visit.

Again it's a security measure so that if your device ever gets stolen or lost then whoever gets it can't just automatically log in to your account.

I did indeed configure CCleaner to not delete the bank's cookies but I'm not sure I catched them all or if the bank stores the info somewhere else. I'll contact them and see if they want to disclose what I should be looking for. Thanks for the tips!


Just another tip, it may be being saved as a 'Form' rather than in a cookie, so try unchecking 'Saved form information' for the browser that you use to access the banks website.



Good tip, I'll check that!