ccleaner deletes itunes library...yes it really does,under certain...



First time on the forum.

I Love...correct that, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOved Ccleaner but will ,with great regret,need to stop using it.

There is a bug which though small in nature, is huge for me, in that it'll take about 10 hours of time to fix...i know I've put in 2 hours already.

If you're iTunes library resides on a secondary drive then ccleaner may choose to delete/corrupt the file that identifies the songs in your library. Period.

And even though my secondary drive is an internal "D" drive that's exactly what ccleaner (in its latest downloadable form) choose to do.

Its written about all over the internet...if you do a Google serach for "ccleaner.... itunes.....library ...deleted?".postings of such are years old

in fact if you go to this very site its been described in 2011 (!) ...and yet with only one disbelieving reply,no fix,and no other commentary.

You know in this day and age of many folks having SSD drvies for their 'C' drive,thus limited in size, and increasingly large & larger music libraries my configuration of keeping my music files on a 'D' drive is not that all unusual.

It also seems to me the fix would be incredibly simple...for ccleaner to just NOT delete itunes labeled or itunes created files....wouldn't that be simple?

I'm going to miss CCleaner alot; I think its a great program.

But I proved it to myself with flawless logic...i ran the ccleaner,it corrupted the file that identifies one's library down from about 10,000 to 12 songs, I uninstalled iTunes,reinstalled it, added about 50 songs/abums,ran ccleaner again,& it did it again!

And as I said,an internet Google search of "ccleaner.... itunes.....library ...deleted?" verifies this keeps happening to many?


That's a pretty serious flaw in CCleaner if that happens.

Is this mac or pc? And where was the "iTunes Library.itl" file located? What path?

What o/s? What version of ccleaner? What version of iTunes?

Vanilla CCleaner doesn't touch iTunes as far as I am aware. No mention of iTunes in winapp.ini at all, actually.

Edit: For the future, if you've lost any song information (due to it being stored in iTunes and not in your files) I recommend MP3Tag

How to Exclude the file:

1. Start CCleaner.

2. Click: Options > Exclude > Add > File

3. Now browse to the file, or copy+paste its exact path in the Exclude window, and finally click OK.

I'm setting up my sandbox computer with ccleaner 4 and itunes 11 and perhaps 500 songs. Then I can play with this and see what happens.

@Winapp2 Are you sure about there being no itunes references in winapp2.ini?

[Apple Installer Cache*]


Detect=HKCU\Software\Apple Computer, Inc.


Warning=You have to reinstall iTunes after adding a new windows user account.

FileKey1=%CommonAppData%\Apple Computer\Installer Cache\*|*.*

FileKey2=%CommonAppData%\Apple\Installer Cache\*|*.*

[iTunes Album Artwork Cache*]


Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes


FileKey1=%Music%\iTunes\Album Artwork\Cache|*.*|RECURSE

[iTunes Cache*]


Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes


FileKey1=%LocalAppData%\Apple Computer\iTunes|Cache.db

[iTunes Logs*]


Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes


FileKey1=%AppData%\Apple Computer\Logs|*.crash;*.log|RECURSE

FileKey2=%WinDir%\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Logs|*.log|RECURSE

FileKey3=%WinDir%\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Logs|*.log|RECURSE

[iTunes Previous Libraries*]


Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes


FileKey1=%Music%\iTunes\Previous iTunes Libraries|*.*|RECURSE

[iTunes Temp Files*]


Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes



And then there is this legacy winapp2.ini entry which is no longer present, but which had directly killed the iTunes Library.ITL and iTunes Music Library.XML

[iTunes Library & Playlist*]




FileKey1=%Music%\iTunes|iTunes Music Library.xml

FileKey2=%Music%\iTunes|iTunes Library.itl

I'm still trying to imagine why someone would have done that? Out of stupidity or innocent ignorance in trying to free up a few kilobytes of disk space. Either way they had not considered it could blast a library or ruin years worth of collecting music. And they apparently hadn't tested anything.

I'm still upset that I had to drive clear across town to get an offsite backup, because of someone else's "unchecked enthusiasm". WTF?

Anyhow, since I am a regular iTunes user and CCleaner user I'm going to run both programs from C drive, while having the iTunes Library.ITL file on D: drive, and perhaps other combos.

in re :- (to Keatah)

That's a pretty serious flaw in CCleaner if that happens.

If = yes; twice in 2 days; 'nonce' since I removed ccleaner

Is this mac or pc?


And where was the "iTunes Library.itl" file located? What path?

I can & will answer this when I get home from work tomorrow (24-hour in-house call)...but it was the default location itunes choose with the itunes (latest version,11 I think)... it'll be on the default 'c' drive; so itunes = default location on 'c' drive; music itself in a self-designated folder on 'd' drive

What o/s?

WIn7 64-bit Home -professional

What version of ccleaner?

latest download

What version of iTunes?

latest download (11I think)

to 'Winapp2.ini'

'Vanilla CCleaner doesn't touch iTunes as far as I am aware'

actually (believe me when I say unfortunately) it does; that's exactly what I've written about; and I'm not the 1st (as I referenced in my commentary)

to Andavari:

I appreciate learning the option of protection I really do.

personally I think ccleaner should be made to not remove itunes files; isn't that a do-able thing rather than have people indivdually have to remember to protect against that? You know by defualt the installation check is to run ccleaner on installation; what if someone does that after an update before 'self-protecting' by having to choose that option?

I mean what if it chooses to delete other unecessary itunes files?; what if one updates to a new ccleaner and forgets to re-create that option,and on 1st run deletes/corrupts the necessary itunes library files?

As angry & frustrated as I am having to go thru an entire library recreation (not to mention the time it took to discover this obscure ccleaner causality) what if it had been some program more important to one's life than itunes?

I just think (call me ignorant or innocent,I humbly submit to both descriptions) that this is a glaring,glaring flaw,that so so many know of it,that the flaw has evidently been complained about for awhile (even if new to tsome on this particular forum) and can be easily fixed by the I missing something here?

A program should not make choices to delete itunes files; is it not that simple?

to Keatah again:-

I do not know enough computer-eze to understand what you wrote on your 2nd post; are you verifying what I've posted...or something else?

I sure hope...for your didn't mimic my experience and screw-the-pooch!

thank you to all.


Have you used any registry cleaning Tool, either the CCleaner registry section or some other third party or Microsoft "PC performance Booster" ?

It occurs to me that iTunes may still have some DRM protection in force on your system,

and perhaps it only needs the removal of one registry key for drastic penalties to be imposed.

Its written about all over the internet...if you do a Google serach for "ccleaner.... itunes.....library ...deleted?".postings of such are years old

Actually the ONLY result is less than 1 day old - it points to your posting here.

If I remove the enclosing quotes then Google gives

About 117,000 results (0.34 seconds)

and life is too short to scan through results that match only 2 or 3 of the words

If I remove the enclosing quotes and use special search terms that require all 4 words to appear I get "about 4,630 results" such as

CCleaner - Version History - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight

Added option to only clean Recycle Bin files deleted more than 24 hours ago. - Improved Firefox History .... Added iTunes cookie management. ... New CCleaner 64-bit native EXE. - New UI ..... Added Type Library cleaning to Registry Cleaner.

which obviously is NOT referring to the deletion of iTunes library.

in fact if you go to this very site its been described in 2011 (!) ...and yet with only one disbelieving reply,no fix,and no other commentary.

Please give a link to "this very site".

I am surprised that others have suffered this problem and sought answers without coming here.

You have done well to come here.

in re :- (to Keatah)

That's a pretty serious flaw in CCleaner if that happens.

If = yes; twice in 2 days; 'nonce' since I removed ccleaner

Is this mac or pc?


And where was the "iTunes Library.itl" file located? What path?

I can & will answer this when I get home from work tomorrow (24-hour in-house call)...but it was the default location itunes choose with the itunes (latest version,11 I think)... it'll be on the default 'c' drive; so itunes = default location on 'c' drive; music itself in a self-designated folder on 'd' drive

What o/s?

WIn7 64-bit Home -professional

What version of ccleaner?

latest download

What version of iTunes?

latest download (11I think)

to 'Winapp2.ini'

'Vanilla CCleaner doesn't touch iTunes as far as I am aware'

actually (believe me when I say unfortunately) it does; that's exactly what I've written about; and I'm not the 1st (as I referenced in my commentary)

to Andavari:

I appreciate learning the option of protection I really do.

personally I think ccleaner should be made to not remove itunes files; isn't that a do-able thing rather than have people indivdually have to remember to protect against that? You know by defualt the installation check is to run ccleaner on installation; what if someone does that after an update before 'self-protecting' by having to choose that option?

I mean what if it chooses to delete other unecessary itunes files?; what if one updates to a new ccleaner and forgets to re-create that option,and on 1st run deletes/corrupts the necessary itunes library files?

As angry & frustrated as I am having to go thru an entire library recreation (not to mention the time it took to discover this obscure ccleaner causality) what if it had been some program more important to one's life than itunes?

I just think (call me ignorant or innocent,I humbly submit to both descriptions) that this is a glaring,glaring flaw,that so so many know of it,that the flaw has evidently been complained about for awhile (even if new to tsome on this particular forum) and can be easily fixed by the I missing something here?

A program should not make choices to delete itunes files; is it not that simple?

to Keatah again:-

I do not know enough computer-eze to understand what you wrote on your 2nd post; are you verifying what I've posted...or something else?

I sure hope...for your didn't mimic my experience and screw-the-pooch!

thank you to all.


No, that was something from a long time ago.

I am not able to duplicate this failure as you describe. So I shall sit back and watch the thread progress.

If the damage is due to using a 3rd party INI file winapp2.ini either from this forum or elsewhere then Piriform isn't responsible for it since they don't endorse it's usage and have no involvement with it. The winapp2.ini file you see on this forum is made by regular users of the software not Piriform.

You can verify rather or not you use a winapp2.ini file by opening the folder where CCleaner is installed. If it exists you could then inspect it for any iTunes related items that could've damaged your music library.

what if one updates to a new ccleaner and forgets to re-create that option,and on 1st run deletes/corrupts the necessary itunes library files?

CCleaner won't forget your excluded items as long as you always upgrade to new versions of CCleaner by installing over a pre-existing version, this works with both the installation build, and even the portable build.

Did you use the File Finder which is a new feature that I fear ?

ccleaner as a base program doesn't even touch secondary drives (except drive wiper and maybe "file finder")

If you're iTunes library resides on a secondary drive then ccleaner may choose to delete/corrupt the file that identifies the songs in your library. Period.

And even though my secondary drive is an internal "D" drive that's exactly what ccleaner (in its latest downloadable form) choose to do.

to 'Winapp2.ini'

'Vanilla CCleaner doesn't touch iTunes as far as I am aware'

actually (believe me when I say unfortunately) it does; that's exactly what I've written about; and I'm not the 1st (as I referenced in my commentary)

Please find enclosed winsys.ini and winapp.ini, the two files that hold all the cleaning rules for CCleaner (these are current)

the string "itunes" does not appear in either

The phrase "apple" appears in

[Quicktime Player]
Detect=HKLM\Software\Apple Computer, Inc.\QuickTime
RegKey1=HKLM\Software\Apple Computer, Inc.\QuickTime\Recent Movies
FileKey2=%appdata%\Apple Computer\QuickTime|QTPlayerSession.xml
FileKey3=%localappdata%\Apple Computer\QuickTime|QTPlayerSession.xml

[Quicktime Player Cache]
Detect=HKLM\Software\Apple Computer, Inc.\QuickTime
FileKey1=%localappdata%\Apple Computer\QuickTime\downloads|.|RECURSE
FileKey2=%locallowappdata%\Apple Computer\quicktime\downloads|.|RECURSE

[safari - Internet Cache]
FileKey1=%localappdata%\Apple Computer\Safari|Cache.db

[safari - Internet History]
FileKey1=%appdata%\Apple Computer\Safari|History.plist
FileKey2=%appdata%\Apple Computer\Safari|LastSession.plist
FileKey3=%appdata%\Apple Computer\Safari|TopSites.plist
FileKey4=%appdata%\Apple Computer\Safari|Downloads.plist
FileKey5=%localappdata%\Apple Computer\Safari\History|.
FileKey6=%localappdata%\Apple Computer\Safari\Webpage Previews|.|RECURSE

[safari - Cookies]

[safari - Saved Form Information]
FileKey1=%appdata%\Apple Computer\Safari|Form Values.plist

[safari - Saved Passwords]

I am inclined to say that vanilla ccleaner does not interact at all with iTunes.

i can also confirm CC has never interfered with my iTunes library.

and like the OP, I have my library on a secondary drive, as the first is the SSD.

and by the lack of other users not reporting an issue on this forum, I think it save to assume the problem is isolated, not that that helps the OP, we just need to find this needle for this particular haystack.

If you're iTunes library resides on a secondary drive then ccleaner may choose to delete/corrupt the file that identifies the songs in your library. Period.

It also seems to me the fix would be incredibly simple...for ccleaner to just NOT delete itunes labeled or itunes created files....wouldn't that be simple?

But I proved it to myself with flawless logic...i ran the ccleaner,it corrupted the file that identifies one's library down from about 10,000 to 12 songs

What is this "file that identifies ..." ?

Can you state the name and path of this file ?

Could it be a registry key that is damaged ?

Are you complaining that the songs may still be present but something like a PlayList is missing ?

I do not understand the relevance of "to just NOT delete itunes labeled or itunes created files".

Are you complaining that many thousands of songs were deleted and the Free space increased by many GBytes ?

The file in question would be iTunes Library.itl

This file contains a list of all the playlists and songs and various misc data about them. It is the master table of contents for iTunes. Kill this file, kill your library.

This is typically stored in the My Music folder of My Documents.

So would it be reasonable that with iTunes restored,

for ericjmzto launch CCleaner and Analyze - BUT NOT RUN CLEANER

and then right click on the Analysis results and save to text a log file

and then search the log file for iTunes Library.itl

If this file is part of the Analysis results then the path on which it is found will give a clue,

and by unchecking the checkboxes and repeating the Analysis the specific checkbox can be identified.

Probably, yeh. In fact if you hold down SHIFT while clicking on the iTunes icon you have the option to point iTunes to an existing library, the file itself.

There might be other registry entries or other files elsewhere. I know there are. But this is the #1 source of problems with iTunes, missing this file. If this file isn't being touched by CCleaner and corruption is continuing. I'll want to look at the log and we'll look at the other files. But let's start here.


same thing happened to me with itunes after running cc

Took ages to figure it out but after having to restore itunes for the third time in as many days realised it was cc cleaner that was causing the problem.

Restored Itunes again from scratch and then ran cc cleaner again to prove it and sure enough it had been wiped again.

Unfortunately I found restoring itunes Library.itl doesn't work and even an exported library.xml wont restore your library properly from some reason after this. :( .


same thing happened to me with itunes after running cc

Took ages to figure it out but after having to restore itunes for the third time in as many days realised it was cc cleaner that was causing the problem.

Restored Itunes again from scratch and then ran cc cleaner again to prove it and sure enough it had been wiped again.

Unfortunately I found restoring itunes Library.itl doesn't work and even an exported library.xml wont restore your library properly from some reason after this. :( .

But did you use (Duplicate) File Finder, Winapp2.ini-file or Registry cleaner section?

unless you've added something to ccleaner, this is not ccleaner's doing, it is impossible for ccleaner's cleaning section to clean outside the rules files that were linked by @Winapp2.ini.


  1. the use of includes which cover that file
  2. the use of a winapp2.ini file (different from the person above)
  3. the changing of environmental variables in a convoluted way which makes the location covered suddenly equal a cleaned area (unlikely as it would mean you changed for example %temp% to d:\itunes\ )