First time on the forum.
I Love...correct that, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOved Ccleaner but will ,with great regret,need to stop using it.
There is a bug which though small in nature, is huge for me, in that it'll take about 10 hours of time to fix...i know I've put in 2 hours already.
If you're iTunes library resides on a secondary drive then ccleaner may choose to delete/corrupt the file that identifies the songs in your library. Period.
And even though my secondary drive is an internal "D" drive that's exactly what ccleaner (in its latest downloadable form) choose to do.
Its written about all over the internet...if you do a Google serach for "ccleaner.... itunes.....library ...deleted?".postings of such are years old
in fact if you go to this very site its been described in 2011 (!) ...and yet with only one disbelieving reply,no fix,and no other commentary.
You know in this day and age of many folks having SSD drvies for their 'C' drive,thus limited in size, and increasingly large & larger music libraries my configuration of keeping my music files on a 'D' drive is not that all unusual.
It also seems to me the fix would be incredibly simple...for ccleaner to just NOT delete itunes labeled or itunes created files....wouldn't that be simple?
I'm going to miss CCleaner alot; I think its a great program.
But I proved it to myself with flawless logic...i ran the ccleaner,it corrupted the file that identifies one's library down from about 10,000 to 12 songs, I uninstalled iTunes,reinstalled it, added about 50 songs/abums,ran ccleaner again,& it did it again!
And as I said,an internet Google search of "ccleaner.... itunes.....library ...deleted?" verifies this keeps happening to many?