I used to use ccleaner 3-4 times a week. I HAVE BEEN UNABLE to stop it from deleting my saved passowrds. This is a huge pain. I waste at least 1 hr everytime i run ccleaner. TODAY I made the mistake of updating ccleaner. it loaded avast security and delted all my paswords/ sets etc. i have check ed dont delete passwods box. IF YOU CANNOT TELL ME HOW TO FIX THIS NOW- NOW NOW- I WILL DELETE CCLEANER
What web browser are you using?
When you run CCleaner do you have it set to clean cookies? If so some of these cookies are for saved passwords so by cleaning them you’ll lose those passwords.
See the official documentation: Choosing which cookies to keep:
Also uncheck 'Saved Form Information' as well as 'Saved Passwords' for ALL of your browsers. (Non-Microsoft browsers such as Chrome and Firefox are on the second tab).
Some websites save your login details as a form rather than a Password; here's a screenshot of those 2 options unchecked for Firefox.