I ran ccleaner with windows system temporary files checked and because I had previously deleted my %TEMP% environment variable (it said temp, what do i know?) I am now without a lot of files that were on my desktop. After failing on system restore a few times I read in a ccleaner forum that running explorer.exe might bring them back and it brought back about half of them. I then tried restoration version 2.5.14 and see some of them but when copied to my alternate drive they are corrupt. This only occurred a couple hours ago so Im still hoping they can be recovered. Is there any way to get windows system restore working again? I saw a few wci files in the restoration program but wouldnt know where to restore them to and am reluctant to make rush decisions as apparently everything I do now runs the risk of overwriting more of my deleted files. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
I ran ccleaner with windows system temporary files checked and because I had previously deleted my %TEMP% environment variable (it said temp, what do i know?) I am now without a lot of files that were on my desktop. After failing on system restore a few times I read in a ccleaner forum that running explorer.exe might bring them back and it brought back about half of them. I then tried restoration version 2.5.14 and see some of them but when copied to my alternate drive they are corrupt. This only occurred a couple hours ago so Im still hoping they can be recovered. Is there any way to get windows system restore working again? I saw a few wci files in the restoration program but wouldnt know where to restore them to and am reluctant to make rush decisions as apparently everything I do now runs the risk of overwriting more of my deleted files. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
have a go at this.......
System Restore does not work in Windows XP...........
If System Restore does not work in Windows XP, make sure that it is enabled and active. Use the following steps to make sure System Restore is enabled and active.
Step 1: Verify System Restore is enabled
Verify System Restore is turned on, using the steps below:
Click Start, and then right-click My Computer.
Click Properties and then click the System Restore tab.
Verify Turn off System Restore is not selected.
If there is a check mark next to Turn off System Restore, click inside the box to remove the check mark.
Click Apply and then OK.
If Windows prompts to restart the computer, click Yes.
If Windows does not prompt you to restart the computer, close all windows and restart the PC.
After the computer restarts, open System Restore. If System Restore is still not working, continue with Step 2 below.
Step 2: Verify System Restore is active
Verify System Restore is active using the steps below:
Click Start, Control Panel, and then double-click the Administrative Tools icon.
Double-click the Computer Management icon. The Computer Management window opens.
Click the plus ( +) next to Services and Applications in the left window, and then click Services.
Double-click System Restore Services in the right window. The System Restore Service Properties window opens.
Verify Startup type is set to Automatic and that Service status is started.
If Startup type is not set to Automatic, click the down arrow and select Automatic.
Click Apply and then OK.
If Windows prompts you to restart the PC, click Yes.
Restore points are missing in Windows XP
If restore points are missing, verify there is enough space reserved on the hard drive for System Restore.
Click Start, and then right-click the My Computer icon.
Click Properties, and then click the System Restore tab.
Under Disk space to use, move the slide bar to the right. This increases the amount of disk space reserved for System Restore and decreases the amount for other programs.
System Restore does not work in Windows Me
If System Restore is not working, you need to verify that the Statemgr and PCHealth programs are starting with Windows Me. Use the following steps to verify that these programs open:
Step 1: Verifying PCHealth and *StateMgr are active
Click Start, and then Run.
In the Open field, type: msconfig.
Click OK. The System Configuration Utility window appears.
Click the Startup tab.
Verify that both PCHealth and *StateMgr have check marks next to them.
If either program does not have a check mark, click inside the box to place a check mark in it.
If any changes were made in Msconfig, click OK. If no changes were made, click Cancel and go to the next Step.
If you made changes, Windows may prompt you to restart the computer. Click Yes.
After the computer restarts, open System Restore.
If System Restore is still not working after completing Step 1, continue with Step 2 below.
Step 2: Enabling System Restore
Use the steps below to enable System Restore:
Click Start, Settings, Control Panel.
Double-click the System icon. The System Properties window opens.
Click the Performance tab, and then the File System button.
Click the Troubleshooting tab.
Verify Disable System Restore is not selected.
If there is a check mark next to Disable System Restore, click the check mark to remove it.
Click Apply and then OK.
On the System Properties window, click OK.
If Windows prompts to restart the computer, click Yes.
v1.24.180 is very old version. You're not supposed to use the old version. You supposed to use the new versions. Because sometimes there are bugs in software, and the newer version can fix those old bugs.
You should get v1.29.295.
I ran ccleaner with windows system temporary files checked and because I had previously deleted my %TEMP% environment variable (it said temp, what do i know?) I am now without a lot of files that were on my desktop. After failing on system restore a few times I read in a ccleaner forum that running explorer.exe might bring them back and it brought back about half of them. I then tried restoration version 2.5.14 and see some of them but when copied to my alternate drive they are corrupt. This only occurred a couple hours ago so Im still hoping they can be recovered. Is there any way to get windows system restore working again? I saw a few wci files in the restoration program but wouldnt know where to restore them to and am reluctant to make rush decisions as apparently everything I do now runs the risk of overwriting more of my deleted files. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Running explorer.exe will not bring your files back. If you changed your environment variables then those files are gone. Your environment variables kind of tell CC where to clean files from. So you changed your settings which told CCleaner to delete those files. Good luck getting those files back. You really need to change your environment variables back to their default settings if you want to use CCleaner.
Why did you change your environment variables anyway? What were you trying to do? Just curious.