CCleaner Defaults

I Read reply to Paul4398 to read beginners guide on the suject of default settings, but there are no settings mentioned in the beginners guide, except, tip to only use the default settings.

My question is what and how do you use default settings.

Thank you

Hi messcook, and welcome to the forum.

The default settings are the ones already checked when you install CCleaner. In other words don't check anything in the advanced section until you know more about their purpose.

If it's any help, I've been using CCleaner for some time and the only box I have checked in the advanced section is "Custom Files And Folders". Have never felt the need for anything else.

Hello, I recommended that Paul4398 read the guide to become familiarized with CCleaner.

Reading the guide will help you understand the functions of CCleaner so your questions here are better answered.

It has been so long since I've installed CCleaner that I have forgotten what the original default settings are.

Everyones needs are different when it comes to cleaning up their computer and what settings are right for them.
