CCleaner crashes with Luminair-Themes


I have just installed WinXP/SP2+ on my Laptop. Normaly I change the Theme after patching the uxtheme.dll to my favorite themes Luminair. But this time I installed first CCleaner and at the beginning the program was running perfectly. After changing to Luminair-themes, the program crashes with following Error:

AppName: ccleaner.exe AppVer: ModName: kernel32.dll

ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 0001eb33

I enclose also a txt-file with more informations, perhaps it helps you.

After changing the theme back to standart classical or Luna, CCleaner works perfect again.

So I ask you, is it possible to solve this problem in CCleaner, so that I can use bothe together CCleaner and Luminair-Themes.

I have also the same problem on my normal PC, so it is not only a problem on my Laptop.

her you can see a picture of my desktop with luminair-themes

Thank you for taking this informations.

Greeting from Switzerland



I enclose also the Luminair-Theme, for the case, that someone likes to test it on the own system



after one year and with the latest version of CCleaner, I have still the same problem.

No replies and no solution, this is very pitty. :(:rolleyes:

It's not 1 year yet. :unsure:

I don't know if anything can be done, CCleaner is programmed to work with themes. It could be a problem with the theme. I will personally look at the matter and see if anything can be done.

It could be a problem with the theme.

Probably. I've tried a couple of themes that have caused strange things in other programs and when I've changed the theme back the problem has gone.

It's not 1 year yet. :unsure:

I don't know if anything can be done, CCleaner is programmed to work with themes. It could be a problem with the theme. I will personally look at the matter and see if anything can be done.

OK, its allmost 1 year - only 2 days left, since my first posting ;) .

But anyway, thank you for your efforts and that you are taking this matter in your hand :) .

I can confirm it is the theme. Ok, now what?!?!?!? :unsure: